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This is a special message for the full moon Guru Purnima, the day you reflect on your life and honor the wisdom that life has offered. I believe that we are each our own guru. And I’m learning how every guru has a guru. So it’s actually both! The four benefits of having a Guru are wisdom, progress, achievement in life, and liberation (quoted by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar). Many may view the guru as a religious figure, yet s/he is a teacher. Yeshua (Jesus) was a guru. He stated that the way to God was through him. This is the teaching of the guru. And by following this power, you do find that your own inner guru will take you there. The guru is simply there to assist you on your journey. This is the process of human evolution-and tradition passed down several thousands of years. For this and so much more, I am eternally grateful. 