Blunt Force Truth: Karma’s not going to get you. And certainly not anyone else if that’s what you’re wishing on them. Please don’t–you’re hurting yourself by attracting what you’re focusing on. You’re attaching yourself to an expected outcome. Even worse, you’re judging someone. You have your own lesson plan that your soul creates just for you. Everybody does. It takes time to get through your lessons. That’s what karma is, not punishment. Karma always moves forward like time. It is your alchemy of turning lead into gold. Where in life do you see how your learnings have already fueled your growth and evolution to get you to exactly where you are today? Did you have resistance? That’s where the struggle or pain came from, not the lessons. It was just resistance. So let go of your attachments, expectations, and resistance. Because knowing this one thing makes it so much easier to keep moving forward on your path now, doesn’t it?
