Universal Irony Division: When you let go of ‘I am,’ that is when you become even greater. ‘I am’ are two of the most powerful words you can speak. You can speak things into existence. You can turn things into your identity (be careful what you speak into your identity though). You can even go beyond the self as you bring even more unlimited possibilities into your life. You are the soul. Yet you are so much more. With every declaration of ‘I am,’ everything becomes your identity. Until you let go of identity. That is when you become your consciousness, no longer as yourself. You transcend everything that was encoded by you as your identity. And it’s beautiful! You become something more. Something greater. You become the very grains of your existence. You become the essence of life itself. You become pure consciousness. Unconditional love. Even as perfect as you are in this soul and body, you become the underlying power of the entire multiverse. And it’s good to know that, isn’t it?
