Ever have an out-of-body experience? You can float out in consciousness, flying through the cosmos while leaving your body safely here on Earth. It can happen accidentally, and it can be done on purpose. It’s something your human body is already capable of. It’s just a matter of fine-tuning your ability to go farther. But out-of-body experiences are only the beginning.

You can go so much farther…

One night I stumbled upon infinity. It was an ordinary night. I was just going to sleep almost. And then I was having an out-of-body experience. And more. I was having an out-of-soul experience. A complete dissociation with my identity. Any identity. I was having an out-of-universe experience.

I’ve read about people who speak of having to let go of every one of the perception barriers of the human condition, and how it was a crumbling away of the very walls of reality. You let go or you get dragged kicking and screaming. A total purge of beliefs of what reality was once thought to be. Well, it isn’t like that at all. It doesn’t have to be…

I was just about to drift off to dreamland when it happened. Instead of sleep, I became aware. I wasn’t the body though. I wasn’t the mind. I wasn’t the soul. And I didn’t have anything being stripped away from my identity. I didn’t even have any identity. I just was.

I found myself in a space outside of normal space looking in. The entire universe was an energy flow. And there it was before me. Just as much a part of me as I am of the universe. Everything was one. Not just connected, but all of it was flowing. I was simply the focal point within the flow.

There were no emotions. There were no downloads. No contacting angels or anything. No messages. That’s because I was the entire universe. These are simply possibilities with which to express myself. If there was a myself. I just stayed with the rhythm in this moment. With the flow. There was nothing to let go of. I was simply observing.

Everything felt so light. No weight from anything that has ever held me down was present. Everything was perfectly weightless. And time was eternally flowing.

I began to realize that the state I was in was what’s known as samadhi. Its a state of oneness with the universe. An awareness of everything. The everything of nothing.

There wasn’t anything special I had to do to get there. The mind went there automatically. It was really just a matter of recognizing a process that happens in all of us. The universe is literally flowing through every grain of your existence. Even if you aren’t aware of it. Everything’s one consciousness, but our typical level of awareness focuses on the channels we each have to the broadcast of universal consciousness.

Self-awareness is different from consciousness.

As I was floating outside of space, I became self-aware. ‘This must be samadhi,’ I thought. At that very moment, I was instantly transported back into the universe and into myself. What a trip! It felt like it was just seconds. But this state didn’t need time. You could stay in samadhi for only one second. Timing is irrelevant because you’re accessing a perceptual position from eternal time.

Now here’s the question: How do we get there to access this state? The peace of mind in this state was blissful yet neutral and brought a sense of calmness to the universe. If more of us can access it, we can more reliably use our higher powers and higher levels of consciousness, creating a better now.

The trick is to silence the mind.

It’s a trick because you can’t silence the mind by thinking about silencing the mind. That’s how the subconscious works–it’s focused on trying so it’s going to make you keep trying. And this was far more than just silencing the mind. There was a total alignment of mind, body, and soul, all of which naturally became still.

The only movement was the flow of underlying energy throughout the universe in and through time. I was simply accessing a higher perceptual position with which to view the universe by aligning myself with this flow.

The best way to get there, and anywhere in life for that matter, is to be ready to let go. There is really nothing to hold onto, that’s why it is so natural feeling. I didn’t even feel like I had to let go, it was simply part of the process. And after reading other people’s accounts of enlightenment, I wonder why they must project preconceived notions of difficulty upon the process.

Let stillness be the order of the day! Let calmness be how you respond to things happening for you. Let the blessing of any situation become apparent in the time that’s perfect for you. All of this power is within you.

Yet to the unknowing eye, everything in this universe looks like nothing at all.

So expect nothing and just be open. Be available. Be stillness. The universe comes to you.
