Think Facebook algorithms are pretty crazy? Your brain uses algorithms too. It uses predictive coding to perceive outcomes before they even happen. It’s an evolutionary trait that helped humans survive. And it’s a trait the brain uses to understand language by predicting what words follow the one you just heard or read. Your mind is always one step ahead of you. Because predictive coding. Wait, just what does predictive coding mean for you?
It means that out of infinite possibilities available to you, the brain processes what comes next simply by assessing where you are right now.
Your vibration attracts.
Your brain predicts based on what you’re attracting. And all of this is made possible by quantum physics. Every possibility exists in the quantum realm. What you see when an object moves from point A to point B is a single path of travel. The object actually takes all possible paths throughout the entire universe. What’s you see is the result of how the brain processes infinite possibilities.
It gives it to you straight.
For the brain to give you this path, it’s constantly piecing it together as the object is moving, and it’s predicting what’s next based on the trajectory you’ve given the object. Your observation is creating the reality that you see. And your state, your emotions, and your perceptions affect your observation, altering your reality. So you give something direction when you’re actually just observing it move. Because you already know which way it’s going.
Sounds weird, right? It’s just how it works. Time is the same way. You perceive a timeline from infinite possibilities of this present moment.
You put it together and give it direction. That’s your timeline. We all do. Here’s why:
All time is available to you all the time.
So when your brain’s predictive coding is analyzing the direction, it’s piecing together the timeline too. All possibilities are known ahead of time, and what’s being seen is a projection from where you are now and what you’re emanating. So if all possibilities are present, isn’t this simply a way of aligning yourself to the possibilities that match your lessons and learnings?
Yes! Sometimes the brain gets so good at it’s predictive coding abilities. The possibilities become reality even before the timeline is processed. Your brain is predicting some things so far in advance that when you get there it feels like you’ve already been there. Because infinite possibilities! Isn’t that what deja vu is like?
You know that feeling where it’s like you’ve already been somewhere, done something, or even met someone? That’s because those possibilities were already in your field. All possibilities are. Those were the potential outcomes your brain predicted based upon where it perceives your own trajectory through space and time!
So you see, it’s perfectly natural to be experiencing deja vu. When you experience deja vu, it’s really showing you that you are in alignment with your flow state. Your brain is showing you the possibilities aligned with your highest and best learning for any particular situation because it’s predicting from infinite possibilities and creating one reality. And you’re experiencing it first-hand.
Does that mean you have done something before? Actually, it means that possibility is present in the now and your brain is putting together your timeline from infinite possibilities too. It’s present now because your brain predicts it and contextualizes the reality of this possibility.
Now just imagine if you can harness this power to manifest the very highest and best for your life. Find that flow state within. Know that your brain is predicting possibilities based on your current state. Your current behaviors. Your emotions at this time.
Anything is possible, and you’re creating your reality.
You get to see the possibilities ahead of time and witness as the reality of the best possibilities are contextualizes in each and every brand new moment! And it’s good to know that now, isn’t it?