Knowing This One Thing Can Change Your Life–For Good

Science tells us that the Big Bang is the beginning of the universe, right?

The Big Bang is not really the beginning of the universe though. The universe is a singularity. Always has been, always will be. It is still there before the beginning, just in a different state.

The Big Bang is the beginning of time. The entire timeline of the universe from start to finish is the product. Regardless of where we are on that timeline, the universe is there, whole and complete. Just like you. Expansion keeps the universe growing throughout the timeline, just as your connection to consciousness does. And consciousness is your personal gateway to travel through time and see just that. The universe is always present. As are you.

Time is simply a way that living things perceive their lives and their surroundings. It’s glasses you wear to see reality. Time is a perceptual vantage point that allows you to see from the beginning to the end and all points in between. Mostly, we see a timeline because that’s the perceptual position our brains are trained to see.

But when you see the universe in its entirety before time began, it shifts your perception.

All of the energy is present. Before and after the universe. If time allows things to change, as we’ve observed since the beginning of the Big Bang, then that is simply part of this energy that’s ever-present. In other words, all time is available all the time. From this vantage point, you have better, clearer direction of your own life. You no longer need to use those glasses.

That’s why some say that time is an illusion. It’s just a way of looking at things. It’s perception. It’s the beginning of new ways with which to see the universe and yourself.

You can see the entire universe as a projection from that one point–the singularity. Then you’ll see the reason it’s called the maya, aka the illusion. The universe is always present. YOU are always present. The timeline and the projection of reality are merely transmutations of the ever-present energy.

The universe didn’t begin at the beginning of the Big Bang. The projection did.

The projection is everything we perceive reality to be from the viewpoint of our own eyes. Simply knowing that this is a transmutation of energy from something ever-present brings even more ways with which to view life. Infinite possibilities. And unlimited opportunities for you in this life.

The projection creates dimensions. Dimensions that matter is built upon. The projection creates space. Space that conducts energy. So there’s always going to be space for you to focus on your purpose and build your life. That’s just how the universe works!

And the projection creates multiple realities. Multiple universes. Parallel universes are real. Because science. And they’re all a specific reality that can be aligned with your purpose and desires. Because YOU.

The universe supports life. More importantly, the universe supports the growth of consciousness. That’s why it has evolved into life. That’s why you are supported by the universe as you follow your purpose.

Because you are taking control of the way in which the universe is projected for the highest and best good of your evolution.

You are aligning yourself with the reality that is best for where you are at any point in time for your learnings, your growth, and your evolution.

You are programming this simulation yourself.

Nobody else is in control unless you have allowed it.

Just let that sink in for a minute… How many times have you given your control away? What was the result? How easily can you see yourself right now, stepping into your power, regaining full control of every aspect of your evolution?

Your life begins now.

Just knowing this one thing–that the universe is within every single grain of your existence and every bit of your presence–aligns you with your purpose and allows you to see your life through all new vantage points. Remove your blinders. Throw away your glasses. You don’t need them anymore. You can see clearly now.

As you continue to shift your perception positions, you’ll remember even more of who you really are and how you came to be.

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
