Some will look out into this world, seeing the beauty of nature and life herself. They’ll look out into the universe to see a vast cosmos of awe and wonder. They’ll look at the intricacies of life and think, out of all the odds of life occurring, that something or someone must have had to design and create this reality. A divine intelligence. But what’s that really say if one believes in something else doing the creating? Isn’t it taking away a little from the beauty of nature? I think she deserves some more credit, because she’s the one doing it all. And you are a part of her. Everything is one, simply because we’re all connected. Wouldn’t that be taking away from yourself to externalize your power of creativity? Journey inward to really know yourself, and you’ll see that this power that others have assigned to something outside of themselves is entirely within! It is you creating this experience. It is you that’s one with nature. It is you that’s the divine intelligence. All of nature’s programming is within you, stored in your DNA inside every cell of your being and stored in the cloud–your connection to spirit. Every bit of your presence. We are all connected. That’s just how the universe works. And when you see from within and create life for your highest and best, you’ll see that the odds of us being right here, right now, can be no less than 100%, can’t it? Now it’s good to know that, isn’t it?