The Human OS (Part 4: The Cloud)

This is the ultimate guide to hacking the ‘simulation’ we know as reality. It’s as real as it gets. Everything in the universe, including every bit of your presence, is expressed through code.

The universe is programmable, customizable, and upgradable.

Your universe is that.

And you are programmable, customizable, and upgradable. You’re a microcosm of the universe. The universe is just as much within you as you are within the universe. And that’s just how the universe works!

You hack the system by learning your own subconscious code. That’s right, your mind stores everything as code–universal programming. And it ain’t just the memory in your brain. There’s cellular level memory in the cell walls, your DNA, and your epigenetics that goes back from generational to evolutionary time scales. Bits of data are even stored in your energy. Yea, there’s a nonphysical component to you. It’s timeless. It’s pure information, baby. It’s your lightbody.

Your energy field affects, and is affected by your surroundings, the people you’re with, and even your parallel lives’ data.

Just like when a Higgs bison comes out of nowhere and affects a particle, then disappears, life is a brief interaction with an energy field. There’s the Higg’s field that makes it possible for particles to have mass, making attraction happen. And there’s the universal field that makes it possible for light and life to happen. That’s you! Light and life.

The universal field is the data cloud.

And you’re so fucking connected to it!

Your interaction with the field brings life to the universe.

And that’s just the universe following its purpose!

Similarly, your subconscious mind has a purpose. It’s taking every interaction with your field and storing all of the data as programs. Yes, everything. All that data is accessible to you at any time, too.

These programs can be downloaded and stored for later, or they can be installed right away. When a program is run, it goes through a data channel that’s aligned with one of your core values. From there the data is expressed as beliefs, and everything you do or say–your behavior–is 100% based on this. That’s the heirarchy of data: your core values are underlying your beliefs, which then determine your behaviors.

So you can see now, isn’t it good to be mindful of your energy and the energy you interact with?

Yea, no shit. Because that energy around you is programming too. Your social conditioning is data downloaded from your field. That means that everyone and everything you interact with is becoming your social conditioning–your programming.

You take on others’ values, beliefs, and behaviors in this way. And you don’t even know it. It’s actually a self-induced hypnosis.

But it’s not bad once you’ve learned to filter through your own social conditioning. But man, talking about a weird world, when you see bullshit all around you, it’ll blow your mind. It’s everywhere! Now knowing this, you start to get real fucking selective.

Because you get to choose what you allow in.

That’s right. You get a choice.

And those that don’t know just go further into the surface mind and reality. They get stuck in ego. They think reality is fixed. They think stuff happens to them, not for them. They don’t know they’re brainwashing themselves. But that’s not you. You’re right here, right now reading this, and that means you’re here on purpose!

When you selectively choose energies in alignment with your purpose, now you’re making an agreement.

This is a digital handshake with the universe around you.

Now it’s a customized field.

Your agreement changes what you attract.

So you get to see a lot more of the good shit! Or you could agree to be blind to your social conditioning. Just kidding, don’t do that. Stay aligned by focusing your intention for the highest and best. In other words, just trust your gut (TYG).

Your intention is like a digital feeler that’s looking for that handshake with the universe–the connection with your field. Then boom! At that very moment of connectivity with your intention, focus your attention on what you’re agreeing to the universe with. It can be love. It can be money. It is everything your heart desires! Really feel into it. And just be grateful.

Gratitude tells the universe you’re ready.

Your connection allows to to customize the universe by changing your values and beliefs. And that’s easy to do with healing modalities and science like theta healing and neurolinguistic programming, or NLP. The trick is just getting into the subconscious mind.

You change yourself, then it becomes easier to align even more with your purpose and manifest what your heart desires through intention, attention, and gratitude. Now what’s not to love about that?

That’s all possible simply because you are connected.

That’s the cloud.

All data available all the time. So why datamine at random when you can bring out the best? Bring out the best in yourself and see. Because what you believe is what you see. That’s the real beauty of this universe–it’s the beauty of you!

Ready for the next level? Changing your programming and manifesting from your field of infinite abundance are just the beginning. There’s a whole nother level of how you interact in the cloud. And that’s coming next…
