The Human OS (Part 5: The GUI Center)

The simulation is real! And the Human Operating System performs just like the computers and artificial intelligence we design and create.

As above, so below.

The mind-blowing facts in this series aren’t being presented just to say that our programming is real–their purpose is to give us the tools to take our programming to the next level!

We are evolving as a species still.

And we are stepping into our greatest power as conscious creators of reality.

This is how you’re already doing just that…

You have onboard physical memory in your brain, additional memory as storage space in your DNA, virtual memory in your lightbody, and connectedness to store data in the Cloud. So how you gonna access and mine all that data?

Here’s how:

You design a graphical user interface.

In operating systems like Android, iOS, and Windows, you’ll notice how across the board, they all have similar features that allow you to access files, apps, and online resources. You can control the settings and connectivity all from the same GUI. That’s not what the underlying machine language looks like though. The GUI is designed to simplify from all of the billions of 0s and 1s, and create an interface with which you understand how to access your data.

You’re doing it already.

Everything in this multiverse is bare information. Raw, naked data. Your mind automatically filters this data through your perception and deletes, distorts, and generalizes data to fit your own unique map of reality that’s based on your underlying core values and beliefs. That’s just how the subconscious works!

In a nutshell, your perception creates your inner view of reality. Your values and beliefs determine what you see when you interface with the world. Because your subconscious mind has been trained to go out and find exactly what your mind is focused on.

So your beliefs really do become your reality.

That means you get to design your own reality! And if you want your world to be better, you journey inward to find out what your underlying values and beliefs are attracting. It works!

So you see, designing your own reality is really as real as it gets.

You assign meaning to everything you observe. In other words, you give everything face value. And for so much of what you interact with in a daily basis, you give this face to raw data being filtered through your GUI.

The faces you see are generated from your programming.

That’s people, animals, faces you might see in the clouds (or on a piece of toast), objects looking like faces (cars, machinery), and even nonphysical energies from realms of thought such as spirits, angels, and the laws of physics. You put a face on all of that–simply to interface.

Because the true reality is infinite data. Not shape or form like you see in the physical. The physical is transmuted energy filtered by your subconscious and presented to you, from you, by you.

You might fall in love with faces that match your projection of who you think your mate should be. Then you find out who they really are. People think others change but really it was how you perceived them that changed.

Chances are you’ve done the same thing with all of “reality.”

Everything that’s just an interaction of energy gets filtered by your mind and turned into physical objects.

Imagine touching a solid surface like a table. Now imagine softly touching the skin of someone you love. In space, the atoms of you and your surroundings aren’t actually ever touching. What you’re experiencing is the interaction of energies being conducted through space.

Nothing ever really touches.

You’re just picking up on energy.

And a lot of you do that already without even touching anything.

That’s because you’re just getting information.

You turn that information into something graphical–something you can see. And you do the same with your other senses, creating the most wondrous reality drawn upon the canvas of space. You create the graphical user interface, and that allows you to use all of your senses as colors of your palette to draw your reality.

Life is your art.

Your GUI allows you to interact with your art created through your senses. It is a standardized interface being run alongside everyone else’s GUI. That gives you a digital handshake with those around you. You see a face, and so do they. You feel sensations, and so do they. And when most aligned, you feel pure attraction, and so do they.

Wanna feel even more attraction?

Love more.

Love is your upgrade.

Love makes everything possible.

Because it’s love that opens the door to widen your perception of people, places, and all things.

Without love, there are blocks. Blocks that distort your vision or even make you blind to what’s available to you right here and now. Blocks are projected from limiting beliefs and alter your perception. They limit what you attract. And people unknowingly project their blocks onto others. Ouch!

Imagine if you’d never worked on yourself and your reality was created through your projections of limiting beliefs. You’d never get to know anyone because you’d be projecting who you think they should be onto them. Whoa. Ok, step out of that frame of reference. Shake it off. Breathe.

Now step back into the real you. You’ve cleared your blocks. You don’t project. You accept. You give love and compassion. You see people as they are, accepting that they’re exactly where they need to be to learn what they’re ready to learn on their path. You see people doing the best they can with the resources they have at the time. You see through bullshit, knowing that other people might be projecting from their lesson plan. But you see it. You love them anyway. Because you know energy.

That’s unconditional love, and it’s the clearest filter you will see the universe through.

Now the question becomes, how can I be at my highest expression of self even more, creating the absolute best reality right here and now?

You upgrade.

You love yourself more and more each and every brand new moment. You see through your own bullshit. You determine what you project and transform that shit into your reflection of the unconditional love that surrounds you all the fucking time! It’s there. Everything’s love!

The more you recognize this one thing, the more you just flow.

Your GUI is the center of your flow state, allowing you to see the best within yourself. See your lessons. Transcend that shit. See your blocks. Transmute that shit! See so fucking clearly that everything you perceive is an act of love. Because it is.

You created it that way.

How do I know?

Because I see you.

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
