The Human OS (Part 6: The Processor)

Every computer, tablet, and phone has a powerful central processing chip in it. Just imagine the power you hold in your hand right now. Your phone has more processing power than some supercomputers used to. Connectivity too. But you already know how just connected you are. You have access to the cloud after all. A constant stream of data available all the time at any time.

Infinite possibilities.

Every bit of information, which make all of the vibrations that create the particles in you trillions and trillions of times over, goes through your central processor. And right now you might think it’s your brain, right? Nah, the brain’s more like a computer’s RAM.

Your CPU is on a deeper level. Some is in the brain stored as thoughts. You can measure thought activity in the brain, but not the actual thoughts. Thoughts are nonphysical. I told you that you have a nonphysical component, didn’t I? That’s the data cache that’s then being filtered through your perception.

On a deeper level, there’s bits of information being shared all throughout your nervous system. Now you’re getting into your machine language. Pulses of energy from neuron to neuron.

Your thoughts gather information that matches your beliefs and core values, then that data is processed as your reality. These are like cores and instruction code for the chip processing it all.

What exactly that chip is will surprise you…

There’s more to your nervous system than just popping off information between neurons. The nervous system has more than one brain. It’s like having multiple cores. Because it is. There’s energy centers where neural activity is focused.

And when that energy is aligned, you are in your optimal flow state.

Imagine activity all over your body. In the legs moving up to the very base of your spine. In your gut, where one of the body’s brain’s is located. Move your way up into the heart. It has its own brain too. Trust your gut as you let love in your heart, sending that energy up through your neck, through your head, and imagine a beacon of light extending from the top of your head.

The central processing unit for the human body is well… Not really in the body. It’s in your energetic field. You are a field of energy that’s interacting with your surroundings in such a way that it is creating reality to happen in real time right in front of your eyes.

Imagine a torus shape, like a donut with energy flowing through its core. This is where the processing of information happens. Simply because the raw data has to be processed before energy becomes transmuted into the matter that you are composed of.

That’s a lot of processing to make you YOU.

It’s ok. To the universe, you’re kind of a big deal.

As a focal point within the energy field of the universe, your matter comes to life. This is happening in your energetic body, making your physical body and mind possible.

There’s a lot more to you than what you’ve been told.

In fact, there are ways of swapping out processors with faster ones. More cores. Clearer channels of data free of limiting blocks that used to bottleneck the system. It’s like having a wiser future version of you step into your reality seeing through your eyes and looking at life like a true master of your craft. Like I said, all information is available all the time.

All you have to do is imagine it, and your subconscious makes it real.

Your subconscious makes it happen.

That’s where all of the processing is happening, down in your subconscious. It doesn’t look like the reality the conscious mind construes–it doesn’t look like anything at all! It’s pure information, baby.

That’s why the subconscious houses the beliefs and values that control at least 95% of your thoughts, activities, and behaviors.

The subconscious is doing the underlying processing for your reality to be perceived.

Everything from the laws of physics to how something or someone near you smells is processed through this reality processor. And it’s good to know that now, isn’t it?

There’s more…

There’s your cores in the processor, and also virtual cores. These are like powerful templates you apply to data in order to process in different ways. And for different reasons.

This is your superconsciousness.

The templates are archetypes. Your higher self is one. Go into a different perceptual position where you can view yourself from a neutral observer’s viewpoint. See yourself setting yourself. You’re there. Now imagine from an angel’s perspective. Every angel and archangel are archetypes. All of the orders of angelic beings–they’re not supposed to be mystical entities–they’re part of you.

Even the laws of physics are archetypes that are used as the very framework of reality. Quite well I might add, when I see the beauty of it all around me all the time. And especially when I see it in your eyes.

There’s even an archetype for the data vault the universe has to offer. In this vault every bit of information in the universe from every single point in time has been recorded. Into a library. It’s a template you can use. A virtual core of your processing unit.

The superconsciousness is badass.

And it gets even better.

You can go higher in the superconsciousness, looking at the aspect of the whole picture, to the tiniest bits of information processing in your subconscious, and you get to the same place.

There is a force in this universe so fucking powerful, that all you can do is feel pure, unadulterated, unconditional love.

It’s what makes all things possible. And it’s not external. It’s in you.

Love is what you are.

Concentrated little bundles of love make up every single grain of your existence.

And your process turns every bit of universal love into your reality. So you can process a reality that you love. Or you can downgrade. Haha lol just kidding. But it is up to you to decide if and how you want to make your life better.

And all you gotta do is love.

Love yourself, love your lessons, and love your co-creators.

We’re all in this together after all.

And knowing this, you can see how easily you can upgrade your processing of reality now for good, yes? And so it is.
