Heard of spiritual debris? Some people say you pick up energies from partners. It’s actually not that. Unless that’s what you’re focused on. Because you get energies from everyone and everything. That’s your environment. And every cell of your being is always responding to the energy of your environment. It tells your body what DNA switches to activate. It tells your emotional body if it’s something in alignment, or not. You respond to energy on every level and it comes from everywhere. It’s not really spiritual debris. It’s programming–computer code that’s downloaded from everything in your surroundings. And you get to choose what to do with the code. If it’s in alignment, run it. When you’re aware of this process you constantly upgrade yourself. Or when you’re unaware, those in your surroundings control how you’re being programmed. Eek. Choose to accept the highest and best. Just know that everything you attract is so fucking powerful that it automatically filters out the bullshit. And so it is.