I love how some people like to think that the ones posting positive quotes are pretending their lives are perfect. No, everybody’s lives can go to shit every now and then. It’s not about pretending. It’s about shifting your mindset to see the gifts in every situation. Maybe to some it looks like positive bs. But to others, they’re actually doing something to deal with their shit. So please, go ahead, keep pretending that others are pretending something. Just be careful not to miss out on the gifts. Or be prepared to make that shift. Because just like things can go to shit, they can also change for the better. And you can train your brain to focus on what’s best. Then your subconscious sets out to find more of it, and before you know it, you’re attracting the best. Do that. Because it’s ok for life to get better. It’s ok to be down at times. And it’s ok to do what’s best to pick yourself back up. And bs can also mean ‘beautiful souls.’ Make that shift.