Most think you’re either a body with a soul or a soul with the body. The problem with this thinking is that you’re taking your human concept of identity and applying it to something that’s not human. It’s not uncommon. We typically put faces on things in order to understand and interact with them. That’s built-in to our programming. But the concept of identity is self-programmed (pun intended). It’s meant to serve a purpose and be let go of. That’s when you see that the soul is an intermediary between who you think you are and what you really are. Is that why we call someone who’s tapped in a medium? Really, you can’t give an identity to your true nature, because it’s infinite. It’s the divine. Your soul connects you, and together, you create the intelligent divine. But as long as you hold onto your identity–as long as you put a face on God–you will only be experiencing from your own limitations. You will be held to the concepts of “reality:” typically 3 to 5 dimensions, a universe for you (or about you), and the self-imposed identity. Holding onto identity even prevents some from transitioning once the body expires. Know this–you are meant to let go of identity, one way or another. It’s going to happen. And knowing this, wouldn’t it be in your best interest to be able to let go in the now, fully becoming the ultimate expression of love and beauty? The universe shifts from for you to you being for the universe. What can I do today to make this a better place for the love, the evolution, and the enlightenment of my reality?