Follow the path of least resistance. You could easily fall into negativity and spew out hatred coming from your own fear and anger. But it’s actually much more consuming of your energy to spread negativity about others than it is to lift them up, encourage them, and empower them. Negativity builds tension in the body. And that tension forms resistance that can physically harm the body’s natural functioning and aging. It affects your health all the way down to the cellular level, and even affects your hormonal system by triggering inflammatory super-hormones. Not good. It’s in the energy around you too, which others respond to before you even speak. The question then becomes, what is the pay-off you’re getting from the resistance? Once you get the highest intent of the resistance, you get the pay-off and a lot more from just accepting new empowering ways. And that takes you right into the path of least resistance. That’s the zone where your optimal flow state is in perfect alignment with who you really are. So doesn’t it make sense that if you let go of negativity, you flow even more in your optimal wellness along your path of growth and evolution? It becomes easier simply to fall into this flow state than to work at keeping that negative persona. Wouldn’t you rather have that be the energy others read, feel, and love about you? Just follow the path of least resistance. It’s far more rewarding.
