I am the destroyer of worlds. Worlds that people create with their perceptions. Worlds that people create with their limitations.
We all create our own reality perfectly unique to us. It’s just how the subconscious mind works.
You filter infinite data into your own version of reality.
The problem is that limiting beliefs and blocks get in the mix. They’re a big part of the reality that’s created. Just look around. They’re everywhere. People put them in songs. In social media. In quotes and sayings.
When you repeat them, they become yours.
But there is a power that is so great, it can find and crush these limitations that trick you into thinking they’re real.
Nothing is real as we know it.
And that is our greatest strength.
Because we’re not just here to live life.
We’re here to create life.
To enliven every single brand new moment of life.
And last time I checked, limitations don’t do that.
You do.
And that is your superpower.
Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.