You are a shadow of your higher self. This is where you experience your challenges and lessons. Your pain and passion.

The ‘Shadow Self’ isn’t the demon portrayed by so many beliefs. It’s simply your subconscious mind storing data from traumatic and painful events for safe keeping until the subconscious knows exactly when you are ready to deal with something and transcend it.

That’s why stuff comes up from your past from time-to-time.

Your mind is bringing it up for you. You’re not reliving the past. The past doesn’t repeat itself. Rather, the mind brings it up knowing you have the resources to deal with it positively.

Yet you might push it back down.

The subconscious stores past programs through regression and repression. One’s automatic, the other is intentional. If you push it back down, it’ll come up again. And again, notice how easily you can now remember that this is for you.

The Shadow is much more than just a repository for unwanted memories and emotions.

The Shadow is your protector.

The Shadow guards these programs and protects them. Without them, your growth won’t happen.

The Shadow isn’t bad.

It’s not a demon.

It’s every single lesson you are destined to learn from your own experiences.

A treasure trove of gifts!

The Shadow is even structured within your core programming in such a way to make extracting these gifts easy! By navigating into your higher self perceptual position, you will automatically dissociate from the emotions linked to the programs.

That gives you all new ways of seeing what was once a ‘problem.’

Now you get the gift. You get the lesson. You get the higher meaning.

I hear you. How is this done? How can we face our deepest darkest shadows of ourselves and see the positive so easily?

Well, to start, you don’t pretend to ignore your dark side anymore. Nothing ever gets swept under the rug. Nothing. What were you pretending to be hiding from yourself to have thought that ignoring something unwanted would make it go away?

Here’s the good stuff: You acknowledge the shadow as your guardian. Not a demon. Not anything negative. It guards your memories. It brings then up for transcendence. That’s it. You give forgiveness for any negativity you may have had. You give forgiveness to yourself. You give gratitude for having this powerful guardian of yours.

You let it know that you are here, in good faith, to be grateful and transcend the pain, alchemizing it into gold.

It’s really a child–your inner child. At the time memories we stored, an image of you was stored.

For every door you open, there is a version of you waiting to be let out.

Shadow work is what frees you.

And creating a safe space is of utmost importance. Let your guardian–your inner child–know that s/he is perfectly safe, protected, and grounded in this process.

Then just sit back and witness.

Miracles are happening. And you, dear ones, you are healing for your highest and best good. Simply by witnessing.


And yes, the all-new process to do this work will be revealed for the next free workshop. Stay attuned.
