If you’re meeting the same people in different bodies, the universe is telling you something.
If you’re running into the same lessons with different people, then it’s you that needs to change, not the world around you.
And when you do change, so will the world around you.
All these interactions are just messages from you to you, seen through the reflections of others.
Maybe, just maybe, you left unresolved issues from previous relationships, and that’s what kept coming up. It’s not that all the people you interact with are the same. It’s just that you attracted those people in order to see something within yourself.
When you stop blaming others and take personal responsibility for your own feelings, you’ll see that every single interaction has a highest intent.
Ask yourself, what is this teaching me?
As soon as you are able to see the lesson embedded in every interaction, you’ll feel that emotional charge dissipate. That’s liberating! You are free from your own bondage.
And now you are ready for the next level. So you’ll see new lessons in every new interaction with new and old reflections of yourself in others.
Now it’s good to know this, isn’t it?