Blunt Force Truth: Whether you’re for it or against it, you’re still part of it.

Instead of taking sides, look at the whole picture of what’s going on.

Whether you want something or push away from something unwanted, you’re still attracting that something.

Instead, you can attract something even more by focusing more on what’s best for you.

Only the surface mind sees things in terms of good or bad, positive or negative. The subconscious mind however–you know, the one doing all the work behind the scenes–does not discern polarity. When it’s still in the process of waking, the mind only sees the illusion of polarity. It tricks itself into thinking it’s real, joining into the shit show sometimes, and falling into the same patterns observed in the social construct of one’s environment. Yea, people argue that that’s reality. It is so fucking not.

The reality is–you attracted it to get the lesson, not to be a part of the shit show.

Instead of viewing through the lenses of good and bad, what if you could simply see the highest intent? And instead of reacting to what you think is happening on one side or the other, what if you can just see, is that highest intent aligned with your core values? If not, it’ll trigger you. If so, it’ll enliven you.

Everything happens to show you something that’s within yourself.

Rise above the shit show, not to make yourself feel better about anyone, but to dissipate the emotional charge. Here you get positive lessons.

Ask yourself, what is this situation teaching me?

That’s how you change what you’re attracting for good!

And that’s how you see that these things aren’t happening to you–they’re happening for you.

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
