People have said that transformation is painful, but they’re wrong. It’s the most fucking beautiful thing you’ll experience in life.

What’s painful is your resistance to the process that’s naturally unfolding within you. It’s like standing in a river and trying to stop its flow. Not gonna happen. But people sure as shit try.

What’s painful is the lies you’ve told yourself–the ones you’ve believed in so strongly for so long–crumbling away in the face of the inevitable truth. And that truth is what so many fear simply because you are all powerful, and you do create your experience of reality. Fear is a lie! Anything less than absolute acceptance, compassion, and unconditional love is a lie.

But people hold on to their grudges, their judgments, and their hate. People seek retribution, justification, and validation for their actions. People project onto the others around them with all of their problems, even blaming others, when the truth is that they are creating their own bondage!

The truth is what sets you free.

What’s painful is the walls people construct crumbling down. Walls that were put up, block-by-block, for protection or to cut out toxic people from their lives. They don’t protect–walls only serve to isolate yourself.

When you step into your highest version of yourself, there is no need to protect yourself from the ones you’ll feel the most compassion for.

People think that enlightenment is a destructive process. It’s not. What’s destroyed is the misconceptions you had about what “reality” was. Everything you thought about this world was but a reflection from your inner beliefs. And that will be projected onto every single fucking person in your life.

Until you wake up.

In waking, there are no judgments of others. There is no comparison. There is no competition. There is service. There is compassion. And there is a love for yourself so strong that you become a beacon of hope for your world. Do that.

Transformation isn’t what’s painful. Transformation is the emergence from your storm.

Transformation is what happens when you stop fighting yourself.

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
