The Big Bang, aka creation, was really just the awakening of one conscious mind. It was the observation of oneself, through every single particle that was born of this illusion of separation.
And every single seemingly separate part became co-conspirators in this creation by reflecting back to the mind, while also seeing the awakening reflected back through each individual, as a compound lens is to a beam of light.
Entanglement is living proof that separation is part of the illusion because it works regardless of distance and faster than light speed. It is the reflection of the universe, whole and complete, at the time it became self-aware.
This self awareness transcended space and time.
The universe still existed before the Big Bang, just in different forms. And just like how all objects in space are connected, all objects in time are connected. This allows the universe to see its own eye-opening awakening, as well as for us to perceive it in this way, in our timeline of existence.
All possibilities of this awakening exist.
All possibilities of your awakening exist right now.
All opportunities for your growth and evolution exist right now.
Because once you see awakening through the eyes of the universe, you know that the only thing that could ever hold you back from its complete awesomeness–was you.
Until you open your eyes too.
Everything that’s reflected to you in this existence is also reflected from you.
The universe is experiencing herself through you, dear ones.
Through all aspects of you.
All of your archetypes.
All your learnings.
And most importantly, through the love you give.
For that is what opens up your channel of entanglement with the universal mind. Which is, in all reality, your mind.
Just let that sink in.
Then go create a better now! Simply because you have the power to do so.