Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: If you say you didn’t have a choice, then you chose not to have a choice.

Taking responsibility for yourself means that you acknowledge your choice in any given situation.

And then you realize, you make the absolute best choice for yourself at the time, based on the resources you have at hand.

So don’t beat yourself up over what you considered to be poor choices in the past. You were doing the best you could with what you had at the time.

And don’t beat up others for trying to force you to choose their way. They’re also doing the best they can–just with limited resources.

And sometimes choosing not to choose can be the best thing for yourself. You can choose not to participate in someone’s shit show. And you can choose to walk away if something isn’t serving your soul’s growth.

You can choose what’s best for you.

In doing so, you create portals into new universes of possibilities where your highest desires are fully actualized.

It’s your choice to do so. Or to stay with something that doesn’t serve you. You always have a choice. Yes, always.

Say this with me: “I choose to create my experience for the highest and best growth and evolution with ease and grace.” Repeat as necessary.
