Humans are evolving toward being happier. Because in the past, we evolved through a means of limiting happiness in such a way that aided survival in harsh conditions.

It worked because we’re here.

And now you can look at the patterns and see exactly how hundreds of thousands of years’ worth of social programming have positively served our growth. We can question the highest intent. And moving forward, we have the power within each and every one of us to achieve that highest intent in new, wholesome, empowering ways.

So are you ready to let go of the old and step into an all you aligned you?

Because that’s exactly where evolution is leading us.

Our conditions have changed since the past, and we now know that everything we need is abundant, so we can move forward and let go of that which no longer serves.

We can choose to be happy.

And we can make ourselves happy.

We can choose to make the switch from surviving to thriving.

Simply because all of the resources are already present to fully support you.

When you adapt thrive mode, everything changes around you as well as within you. When you know you have everything you need, you’re sending that signal to every cell of your being. And you’re passing it down through the expression of your genes to future generations.

Evolution tells us how we dealt in the past. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck in that past. Rather, it frees you of your past.

How you deal with life right now is completely up to you.

Choose happy.

Choose thriving.

That’s how you evolve.
