What if right now you made a mental inventory of what’s possible for you vs. what’s impossible? Dig deep into your subconscious programming to uncover all of the beliefs related to these.
What you might find, like a lot of people, is that the impossible list is big. Why is that so? For starters, we tend to pick up limiting beliefs from others about what isn’t possible.
What’s impossible is programmed as beliefs, whereas what’s possible is based on experience.
Limiting beliefs can be passed down from your relatives from several generations ago. They can be adopted by the circle of people around you, especially throughout your imprinting stages of childhood.
On the other hand, what’s possible isn’t limiting–it’s expansive. Because the more you open up your consciousness even more to the magic and miracles of this universe that permeates and creates every grain of your existence, the more you perceive that the universe is really infinite possibilities. Unlimited opportunities for your creation of magic, miracles, love, and life!
So maybe, just maybe, if your list of possible was smaller than your limiting beliefs, you can now see it growing just by realizing this one thing: You don’t know yet the fullest extent of what’s actually possible in this moment.
Possibility is an evolution.
The mind evolves and programs itself with empowering beliefs when it sees you breaking barriers. It creates all new neural pathways for each and every brand new possibility and makes that real.
When you cross that threshold from impossible to possible, you create all new avenues of opportunities for new awareness of what you’re capable of. And you break that barrier for everyone else too, because just in knowing that it’s possible, more and more people will also break the barriers of impossibility.
Now you see how the possibilities are an ever-growing, expansive, infinite list, don’t you?
Because if all it took was one instant for you to program an impossibility in your mindset, then that’s all the time you need to create new possibilities, isn’t it?
Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.