The observer effect shows us that a particle fluctuates through every possible state it can exist until the time it is observed. Through this effect, you have the power to create reality the way you see it.

The weird thing is, we know that it works, but how exactly it does is a mystery.

Unless it isn’t.

The particle, aka the physical reality of an energy, is just the intersection between a field of energy that is its source and the line drawn between it and the observer.

Think of an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom. It’s actually not. The classical atom was disproven a long time ago, even though it’s still taught. The electron is a field of energy that surrounds the nucleus in all directions. From that field of energy around the atom, your direct line of observation intersects with that field, allowing the electron to come into existence as a particle.

Each particle creates its own observation of its surroundings based on its coding, which is how it attracts its partner. A particle, such as the proton and neutron in the nucleus, interacts with the Higgs field in the same way, materializing a Higgs boson. Through this observation, the proton or neutron creates its own reality by gaining mass, thus attracting each other through gravitational attraction. Protons also interact with the electromagnetic field to gain charge and attract electrons.

Every single thing creates its own reality in just the way that’s perfect for its growth.

That is how reality is coded.

And every single grain of your existence is already doing this. You are the collective of each individual consciousness.

And you hold the power through your observation of yourself to create your reality through your beliefs.

That’s how you code existence.

Now it’s good to know this, isn’t it?
