If you are ever concerned that ‘someone changed history,’ then know this: YOU create your own reality, past, present, and future.

Your past was your lesson plan playing out, and you choose now to let it empower or consume you. Your future is what you make of yourself as you carry your life forward and project your reality upon the world. Your present is where all of your beliefs are stored that determine how you have responded to the past and what beliefs will create your new future.

The present is where it’s all at.

And right now you can let go of limiting beliefs that tied you to anyone else’s version of the past. Truth is, none of us–not one–was there for the actual history before any of us were born. It doesn’t matter what does or doesn’t go in the history books!

What matters is what we’ve learned from our history and how to love ourselves regardless of the past. And that dear ones, happens right now and paves the way to a more peaceful future.

The answer is to love yourself.

Do that.
