If you must kill the ego, know this: The killer will survive. The killer will go on having destroyed part of yourself. The killer will become you. Is that what you want to engrain into your identity? Into every cell of your being?

How is that going to make the cells of your body feel, knowing that you treat yourself in such a way?

And how will this fear response serve you? Fear increases production of the superhormone cortisol. And that increases inflammation in the body. This forces the body into survival mode, which may have served in the past when ancestors were being preyed upon by sabertooth tigers, but now?

Now is the time to let that shit go.

Let go of having to survive and embrace thrive. Let go of inflammation in the body and embody healing. Let go of the very idea that you have to kill, destroy, or harm any part of yourself, and resolve by integrating those parts.

Because you can’t love yourself without embracing all of yourself.

And only in doing so will you see the positive intent of everything you perceived to be “bad” in some form or way. The positive intent that dissolves not only the judgment but the resistance to learning the gifts the ego was bringing up all along. Once you’ve realized the positive intent, everything just falls into place…

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
