Higher Self Integration Workshop

What if you could manifest a new you in full integration with your higher self, full alignment with loving yourself each and every moment, and full acceptance of yourself unconditionally?

Knowing that right now you are whole and complete, just imagine fully stepping into infinite power that is in you.

Infinite power that is you.

Your brain is already wired for this.

And for everything you transcend, your brain will create new neural pathways for all new behaviors and actions backed by the power of unconditional love!

In fact, this whole process is actually made possible by your brain! As the brain visualizes, you allow the subconscious to automatically process.

So you see, your perception alters reality.

You just give your brain direction! This workshop is specifically designed to guide your brain to do just that!! And all you have to do is answer a few questions, sit back, and enjoy a guided visualization.

You got this!


Facebook: https://facebook.com/events/s/higher-self-integration-worksh/184067566208233/?ti=as

Meetup.com: http://meetu.ps/e/HNhQm/tVPcT/d

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