To all healers, lightworkers, therapists, healthcare workers, etc. Your service is important to all people regardless of sex, color, nationality, political preference, or general assholishness. Please recognize others’ maps of reality–how they define their frame of reference based on their own values and beliefs.

Speak into their frame of reference, as they may be resistant to working with somebody unless they know there’s alignment with the underlying core values they operate from. This may not be evident right away, as it is subconscious programming running deep within their minds underneath the actions and behaviors they’re exhibiting.

Use your intuition to sense or feel any resistance, and bridge the gap by finding the highest intent of what they may gain from holding onto limiting beliefs and behaviors. It is important to remain neutral in order to do so.

Do your practices with unconditional love and compassion. As always 🙂

Ground yourselves and practice gratefulness for Gaia/Mother Earth, for she is willing to accept your energy as she is going through an immense healing process brought on by hundreds of years of polluting.

She is healing. And this is our chance to heal with her (or she will be healing from us).

Simply, be aligned throughout this healing process to optimize your work. You are needed now.
