Daily Download

Today is the best day to embrace the chaos. Embracing chaos is embracing the natural order of things–to surrender into divine will. Because things don’t return to order. They won’t return to “normal.” Rather, a new normal will come of this.

This is the law of entropy. Things go from order to chaos. And while it may sound hard to grasp in the minds of those who require order in their lives, what it really means is this: Don’t fight it.

Accept the change, knowing that change is for the best.

For it is change that molds mountains into existence.

And it is chaos that makes life possible. Life is a function of entropy. Surrender into the process of life and see it with me now. Put it up on a screen in front of you. Rewind to the beginning. Fast forward to the next step beyond what we’re capable of today. This is the story of evolution. It too is a function of ever-increasing entropy.

Know that your awareness that makes all this possible–your consciousness–is also a function of entropy. An evolutionary advantage from chaos. It is the same consciousness that connects you to all that is–the knowledge contained in every building block of this OMNIVERSE.

That is what you get when you surrender to the Divine will of all that is: ever-increasing awareness and connection. And THAT, dear ones, is what you are evolving toward.



