Ever wonder–with the way people talk when they argue online and shitpost, what their self-talk must sound like? Kinda puts a new perspective on things doesn’t it? If they’re still their greatest critic, they could be in for it. What if people talk to themselves the way they talk to others? Or worse?

Spoiler alert: People do.

And there’s the flip side of how you can change your own inner dialog for the better by being nice, more loving, and more compassionate to others.

Now when you experience others’ negativity, knowing it’s coming from a dark place within that’s just screaming to be healed, it changes the way you perceive them. It helps you to feel even more compassion for them. As it should be.

People screaming out are in need of healing inner trauma from shit they’re either afraid to face or just don’t remember. It’s unaware behavior. Automatic until they become aware.

And we all do become aware. On our own time that’s best for each one of us based on the resources you have at the time. That is omniversal law.

So don’t fall into the negativity. Just be compassionate for their process.
