Two versions of reality have been shown to exist at the same time. This old thought experiment was finally tested–and verified.

Just like how in quantum physics, an object can be any variation of itself–any possibility–until the time it is observed. Only then is it what you think it is. What if reality follows this same rule?

It does.

For every possibility there is a reality where that is true.

All you have to do is believe it to be true.

That’s why the “powers” that be try to control how you think. How you choose. How you respond to their programming. When they’re in control, they don’t want you to know that you have the power to change things.

When you believe you have the power–not anyone else–then the reality where that is true becomes present. RTA

You can literally create your reality because quantum physics makes it possible.

Science makes it possible.

Now the question becomes, what do you want to see in your reality? Forced jailing and sterilization of the Earth’s children? War machines churning out death for profit? Racial injustice? Greed, corruption, and pollution? Or something else?

Now notice that the answer is easily observed as you overcome your old limiting beliefs that held you to this reality. Most of em probably aren’t even yours–they’re your social conditioning. Just let em the fuck go.

And let go of the very virtue of duality–the mindfuck that only allows you to see a limited amount of available options. There’s not just two choices, light and dark. There’s a rainbow of beauty awaiting you as you now see even more choices in your new reality. Do that.
