Don’t let people that still argue if the Earth is flat or round tell you that time is linear.

The thing is, people aren’t telling you how the world really is, they’re communicating something much deeper… How they perceive their world.

If you choose to agree to their limitations, that’s on you. And if you choose to define how you perceive your own world, that’s completely up to you.

So it’s about time we talked about this…

Why are we limiting ourselves to a belief that time is linear?

It’s not. We’re just programmed to perceive it that way.

That programming is your machine learning in action — the secret workings of your brain. We all learn through the adoption of beliefs. These beliefs become the hidden code that your brain uses as a template to show you what you perceive. RTA

You can either limit what you perceive or expand it.

And isn’t 1D of time just a limitation?

Ever paused time in a magical moment with a loved one? Ever experienced deja vu? These are not consistent with linear time, are they?

So what happens when you expand your beliefs? Just for a moment, let’s say you’re now adopting a belief that there’s more possibilities.

The subconscious can show you new possibilities of perceiving time. 1D was just the beginning… A collective belief to be overcome.

Tell me now, what other possibilities are there?

What about experiencing past/parallel lives and soul walk-ins? How about the higher lessons of human spirit that may take several independent lifetimes to complete? Karma’s just another dimension of time…

And what about the infinitely expanding universe? Which, ironically, is limited in our collective perception because the observable window is limited by time. If expansion is viewed simply as another dimension, just imagine how much more of the universe we can perceive right now…

The possibilities are as endless as the universe herself.
