Blunt Force Truth: Whatever you give your power to, you give permission to…

When you react to someone or something, you give your power to that which you are focused on. In that moment, the energy you give to someone or something, that is what you are coding in your mind to perceive more of. Whatever meaning you give to the situation is what you’re telling your subconscious to show you more of…

When you choose to stop allowing something, you change the narrative by changing your own reaction to a more positive response.

Your response anchors empowering emotions rather than your reactions triggering charged ones.

Now you see things happening for you, not to you.

Because whatever it is, it is serving your highest intent. You get to choose how to get that gain. Often people hold on because they think they’re gaining something. Whatever it is can still be gained in more empowering ways, freeing you to let go and bring your power back. Do that.

Because your power is yours. Own that shit.
