There is a secret universe hiding within everyone. One we know nothing about. It cannot be perceived. It cannot be observed, and it does not follow the laws of physics. We call the veil of this secret lair the event horizon. It’s the point of no return entering a singularity, where the laws of physics completely break down. That’s why no one’s ever seen inside a black hole.
What otherworldly energies exist in such an environment? Even our Milky Way’s supermassive back hole my be two supermassive black holes. And clusters of other ones. We cannot see beyond the point in which light enters the darkness. For all we know, even gravity breaks down at this point.
Where else in the universe can we observe such singularities? The outer edges as far as we can perceive is one. Light’s ability to reach us is limited by the age of the universe. And the universe as a whole is a singularity. The Big Bang is the expression of it. And that could be part of another singularity — the Omniverse.
Where else do we have such a singularity that veils its true existence from our perception? It might be closer than you think…
Consciousness is a singularity.
What we see is everything on the outside of the event horizon, and if you wanna see the real you, you have to go within.
Just one thing: There is no coming back to the ways you once perceived after you enter new dimensions of perception.
An event horizon is a one-way door opening into all-new ways of understanding that which you formerly didn’t know you didn’t know. It is an expansion. Like an object going into a singularity, it expands on the surface.
So maybe you don’t know how deep you have to go, and that’s ok.
You’ll know by the expansion you witness.