The universe is a projection. Space, time, and expansion are expressions of infinity. In order to make any sense of that, just to witness the miracle, computer processors are required to filter through infinite data and match that to the perceptions and limitations of the witness.
Sounds like a simulation, doesn’t it?
The question is, why is the common assumption about the matrix being a simulation programmed by someone or something else?
Look within and you’ll find the answers.
The processors needed to create the simulation from the infinite possibilities of the universe are built-in. It’s your nervous system. Your brain, heart brain, gut brain, and immune system brain. Your senses. Your chemical signaling.
You create the simulation for you.
The question then becomes, do you want to expand your perceptions as the universe expands, or do you limit the frame of reference based on your own limitations? Do you project the universe? Or do you subconsciously project your limiting beliefs on those around you?
Once you decide, infinite possibilities for you contextualize and materialize. Anywhere. Any time.