Daily Download

When you open up with awareness of the consciousness of all things (CAT), everything becomes your teacher.

Just as life force flows within all beings, consciousness is the flow of this underlying universal force.

And what is this force? All things attract, and in the living, we call that love.

That love is the underlying energy — pure, raw attraction — that we observe as forces, photons, and matter.

It is the common thread.

Just know this: Everything is perfect the way it is to attract exactly what it needs for its growth.

Creation of space allows for the transformation of energy. Quark-gluon plasma materializes, creating the ‘ether’ from which all matter is born. They know exactly how to piece themselves together to build subatomic particles, atoms, and molecular building blocks of life.

That’s the consciousness of all things. Simple yet elegant. Beautiful. Divine. You can see it all around and through you. Feel it down to every grain of your existence. Know that you are the universe in process.

You give the universe the chance to experience itself through your eyes. Because CAT.

And when’s the best time to experience the magic in you? Right meow.
