When people ask, why the fascination with the universe? Maybe it’s realizing a spiritual experience, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it, in the knowing that generations of stars before us lived and died to forge the atoms we’re made of and spread them throughout the known universe. Because then the realization is that the stars are our ancestors. We are the afterlife of stars, and we can create heaven on earth.

Or maybe it’s how scientists like Lisa Randall seek the holy grail of physics through the unification of the known forces of the universe. There is one underlying force that everything comes from. In a nutshell, that’s attraction. And in human form, we experience attraction in its highest form as love. That moment you realize everything, down to every single grain of existence, is at its most basic form, love. Every bit of your presence.

There’s also the quantum aspects of the universe that change how you see things on many different scales. String theorist Michio Kaku puts it simply. Every parallel reality is right here. And he’s right. There are infinite possibilities in ways the universe can manifest, and every possibility is present right here and now. The only limitations are how you perceive things. How’s that change your perception now knowing that what you desire’s already present?

My fav is looking back at myself knowing that all of this is within me. The universe reflects back to you. It’s interactive based on your perception. And conscious. Everything is, actually. Not by the same definition of self- awareness, but in the broader sense that each individual force and particle everywhere in the universe knows, through its own innate expression, how to attract what it needs for growth. It does so without the need for anything external to itself. That’s the consciousness of all things. And it is within every cell of your being — and every grain of existence in the universe.

You are one with this consciousness and connected. Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen discovered that quantum entanglement connects things. You just discovered how.
