Ancient writings documented that angels once took human form.
And that means we can reverse engineer the process…
What if humans can take angelic form?
You can!
Every angel the ancients taught us about, although generally interpreted literally today, was simply an archetypal template of the human mind.
You’ve got your conscious mind, which thinks it’s in control. It’s really just what’s on the surface. Going deep within, you find the domain of the subconscious. It doesn’t only control your breath and heartbeat — it contains all of your programming that underlie your values, beliefs, and behaviors.
Once you go there, you find that the subconscious is much like computer language. The secret machine code behind the windows to the surface mind…
Angels are like templates for the mind’s many expressions. Archetypes. Whenever you embody an angelic archetype, you become something greater than the surface mind has allowed you to be in the past. You can accomplish anything. You can embody new avenues of love and compassion.
And while you might not see them (unless you do), you can feel wings grow. These are visual and kinesthetic representations (and there’s more) that help to guide your programming into new templates for all new ways of being.
Now THAT’S how to science!