There’s lots of ways to see your world. Many different ways to create this reality you call reality. Nearly infinite ways to see this universe. But being human limits the way you see things to only the way you can see.
Your perception creates limits for your understanding. That’s just how the mind works. Everybody filters data from infinite possibilities, and depending on how you choose to perceive things, your mind will generalize and distort-and even delete information, just to fit your frame of reference. So your frame is determined by your perception.
There are many senses in your perceptual arsenal, so don’t go thinking you’re limited. You have taste, smell, touch, hearing, and vision to start with. Touch can be texture, pressure, and temperature too. And feelings are a full spectrum of emotions. Then there’s higher senses. You have spatial awareness. That awareness can be of more than just 4 dimensions too. There’s also the sense of knowing.
Each of these senses also can perceive higher frequencies as well. And they are the perfect homing signals for consciousness to remain in our physical bodies. Simply, we’re the dense spectrum of universal light. That’s why we’re always raising our vibration.
Our ‘base camp’ is the physical realm. And we climb high from there.
Now, this puts us in an interesting light in the universe. There’s infinite expressions of energy. And to be human, our consciousness had to make agreements with the physical framework of the universe and laws of physics. Agreements that make it possible to bundle up massive amounts of energy into subatomic particles that automatically attract, grow, and evolve.
Every atom in you is energy.
Which makes you energy.
Densely packed energy capable of expressing yourself in the physical realm. This is just an agreement we’ve all made with the laws of physics, basically for us to exist. And the reason why we live in the physical realm. In the dimensions we perceive.
But just because we’re physical life forms, that doesn’t mean other life forms would be the same. They could be a different density of energy. They could be expressed more in higher dimensions, not just our 4 macro dimensions. They could just be a different frequency on the spectrum of universal light.
The possibilities are endless.
Now due in part to the physicality of your reality, every perceptual position you have comes from the frequency spectrum corresponding to your energy. That gives humans a chance to look within, cracking open the very building blocks of reality.
Human beings have mastered the art of understanding the energy that creates our physical framework.
And that got us noticed.
Not only by the radioactive signature we’ve imparted upon this world from the mid-20th century, but also through our collective knowledge. Little known fact-we’re all transparent and broadcast our thoughts and feelings. The same way neurons read impulses of energy through the fibrils of the cells, information also leaves the cell, being sent in all directions.
In other words, humans have become windows with which to see the physical universe. “Alien” consciousness forms can use us to perceive our world and understand it better. They can learn a great deal through us about the very fabric of reality. Space-time. The universe. They want to learn from us.
Now you might be thinking, what can we GAIN from talking to aliens? Well you have to be able to understand them first. So here it is…
What we have two gain from alien knowledge first are new perceptual positions.
New ways of seeing yourself.
And it’ll change everything with how you see your world.
When they look into our energy, it’s denser and lower vibrational. It’s heavy. It’s physical. Seeing this from the viewpoint of higher vibrational energy gives us structures with which we fill information in as we perceive (like connect-the-dots). But it might take time to fill in the whole picture. So right off the bat, you can tell that we’re being perceived on a different time scale.
Our physical form looks a lot like a cloud forming as the dots are connected. Imagine looking up to the sky, gazing at the clouds all afternoon, seeing them shape-shift throughout the day. Now imagine that process creating a clear picture of something. As you take more time, the picture becomes clearer. Now when your cloud becomes clear to see, imagine filling in textures and colors on the surface. Dense energy just takes time to perceive (which is why we evolved brains to handle those complex calculations).
For the alien point of view, tuning into our frequency takes a lot of effort to see clearly, let alone understand us. For us, we simply can’t see at their frequency. It’s like a spider I once saw on a single strand of web. A breeze blew and caused the web to vibrate. The spider became invisible to me. It was only when it slowed down to match my vibration that I was able to perceive it.
The alien point of view is being able to see yourself from the higher vibrations.
And that can give you all-new perspectives on life. Imagine seeing yourself from your own higher self point of view, reviewing lessons so you can transcend emotional charge.
You can do that.
Practice new ways of perceiving yourself.
It’s the first step in learning to communicate with a higher intelligence. One that’s already present. We’ve evolved with it. And we’re learning more about it. Then the question becomes, is it alien? Or just another expression of energy? Kinda gives you a new way of seeing things there, doesn’t it?
And once you start seeing differently, you see your world differently. That’s when you begin to understand the downloads you’ve been getting.