Daily Download

You don’t need to have a reason attached to an emotion. What you’re feeling can just be what you’re feeling. Even if nothing happened. And everything that comes up is for your alignment. For your completeness. You could feel something for no reason. Doesn’t mean it’s like that all the time, and it doesn’t mean …

Daily Download

People who think humans are the top of the food chain are wrong. People who think it’s cruel to raise meat strictly for human consumption are too… And people who think there’s no organism that does that exact thing with human flesh – well, they’re wrong too. They’re stuck inside the matrix… The chickens humans …

The Alien Dilemma

It’s amazing how far humans have come with respect to full public disclosure of the aliens among us. Multiple species. Even the Galactic Federation. Other species don’t just walk among us. They are part of our governments. But are they here to control us? Are we that dangerous? Or is it something more sinister? It’s …

I’m FINE! (What Not to Say to People Experiencing Chronic Pain and Fatigue)

I’ve been hiding something from you… For my whole life. I’ve been pretending to be normal… Pushing myself to succeed… Giving everything I have to achieve something… Yet no matter what I do, how hard I’ve tried, how many times I’ve gotten back up, it just wasn’t fucking good enough. In the past. Or so …

Daily Download

Wanna know the secret to mastery? Here it is… First, it’s not the pinnacle you reach all of a sudden. And no, it’s not limited to any number of things you can do masterfully. The secret to mastery is that there is no mastery. Only practice. Because no matter how good you get at something, …

Daily Download

Every day I AM called into this existence by a former version of myself. Every waking is simply an actualization of the dream I create. When I want to be more compassionate, I put that into my intentions to dream awake. When I want more love, I infuse the canvas of reality with ever-increasing love …

Daily Download

Carl Jung said that “perception is projection.” We project our subconscious’ hidden thoughts about how we see the world. But how we see the world is defined within. So people go around trying to convince others that the reality they create for themselves is the one true reality. That is unaware behavior – projection. But …

I Was Open But Toxic Masculinity Shut Me Down Until Something Magical Happened

I don’t think I’ve ever talked about this… I was open as a child. I didn’t have labels we put on people today, like gender neutral or fluid. Whatever label each of us uses is perfect for where we are at the time. To me, I was just a child being a child. I was …

Daily Download

What can – or can’t – be accomplished is only determined by what you allow. Do you allow empowering beliefs to fuel positive, directed action? Or do you allow limiting beliefs from the hidden thoughts in your mind to get in the way (even if only temporarily)? Do you allow others’ beliefs to limit you? …

Hello. I AM Love

The observer effect turned physics upside-down as one of the tenets of quantum physics over a century ago. And there’s an abundance of self help and spiritual gurus talking about it. Wayne Dyer, who I was lucky to see live before he left his body for good, coined the phrase, “you don’t believe what you …

The Art of Collective Consciousness

Humans have an amazing way of synching together. Everybody beats to their own drum. And when you put everybody together, magic starts happening. All of the beats get in time together to play one rhythm. One rhythm from the soul. Every individual fully expressed as their own, while collectively engaged in the alignment of one …

Daily Download

What if we’re all just aliens struggling to be human? It’s not like this experience comes with a user manual or anything. We’re all here on purpose. And we’re all in this together, even if we are making it all up as we go along (we are). We’re really just remembering who we are. So …

Daily Download

What’s the difference between who you are and who you want to be? Why is there a difference at all? If you want to be something different than who you are now, isn’t that like saying you don’t want to be who you are? Wouldn’t it feel better to be comfortable in your own shoes …

Daily Download

Ever wish you had a telephone cord that could connect you directly with God? Here’s a little secret for you… Because Earth isn’t flat or round, the actual shape takes into account its path through space and time – a spiral. The earth’s gravitational imprint is left through space and time as we travel into …

Daily Download

One of the best things about experiencing linear time is listening to music. Music takes time that’s linear (1 dimensional) and takes it into higher dimensions with its waveforms and vibrations. Art transforms 2D into everything your mind can perceive from it. Every color. Every texture. Every feeling. When you see life as an experience …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: No amount of darkness can ever be enough to put out your light. The universe, since she began to shine, has observable light all the way back to the beginning of this magnificent creation. Yet what do you see in the cosmos? Do you choose to see the darkness? Because that light is …

If You Received a Message From Beyond Space and Time, What Would It Say?

When an unusual message came through to me, my mind didn’t focus on what was being said as much as how it was being communicated. The contact occurred during a lucid dream within a dream. The funny thing about dreams is that whether they’re people, place, or time dreams, they’re always put together by your …

Daily Download

Dear humans. You do not awaken from your dreams. You awaken to your dreams. Your conscious mind creates memories throughout the day of people, places, and emotions. While we tend to think we’re consciously awake, the subconscious mind is processing this all behind the scenes. When you awaken to your dreams at night, the subconscious …

Daily Download

What is OMNIVERSE? It’s science. That asks questions science is afraid to ask. And uses science as a framework to ask the questions, then test them and create all-new evidence based ways of seeing the universe. And your life. The question of what happened before the Big Bang was only the beginning. It then became …