Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Transcending duality shows you that differences are complementary. Like attracts like. “Opposites” attracting are nothing but different spins of the same energy type. Each type of energy, regardless of its spin, color, flavor, or charge, adds to the whole. This is love in the making–everything is love because everything attracts exactly what is …

Daily Download

Miracles are happening right now. Everything that’s happening is either a mirror for you to see yourself or a trigger to feel your value. That’s your subconscious mind bringing up exactly what it needs to in any given moment, because it knows you’re ready. Acknowledge that. That’s the fucking miracle! Because once you do, the …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You can’t know it all if you already know it all. But you already know that don’t you? You’ll know it when you talk to someone who already knows everything about what you’re talking about. Know-it-all-ism is actually a way of pushing away knowledge. Sometimes people resist learning new information because it …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: There’s a huge difference between your boundaries and your blocks. Yet each serves a positive intent. Boundaries filter who or what gets into your heart and mind based on what you determine is best for you. Blocks also filter, but are typically based on your own limitations. They might even prevent you …

Daily Download

Don’t kill a moment by trying to control its outcome. That’s not your job, human. Your job is to accept the love that’s present in that moment. Not to be attached to the outcome. Yes, that might be challenging if you’ve put expectations and limitations in the way. And that’s why you grow from letting …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: For many, the identity put forward as self is nothing more than a shell of protection for their inner child. But that shell becomes their own prison used to lock away their hurt, their trauma, and their worst fears. Protection mechanisms are often one’s own bondage. Their inner child gets left behind. …

Daily Download

Most think you’re either a body with a soul or a soul with the body. The problem with this thinking is that you’re taking your human concept of identity and applying it to something that’s not human. It’s not uncommon. We typically put faces on things in order to understand and interact with them. That’s …

Daily Download

You can be right or you can be happy, right? That’s what the meme says. So tell me then, how does it make you happy shutting yourself down? How can it make you happy if you don’t allow yourself to express your own emotions or feelings? Why does something you read online seem like good …

Daily Download

Dreams are the equivalent of potential energy. Like a rock seated atop a mountain, the potential exists for its energy to be transmuted. Once so, it begins rolling forward, carrying with it even more momentum as it accelerates downhill, breaking others free of their potential to join in your dream becoming reality. All of that …

Daily Download

You were right. But just maybe, not for the reasons you thought you were. You were right because everything in your decision was based on your underlying beliefs. Your beliefs are the programming code in the subconscious that tell your mind what it is you want to see. So whatever it is you believe determines …

Daily Download

Knowing that everything exists in this moment, what if you could expand this moment into eternity, experiencing even more of who you really are at every level of existence? Would you be willing to see yourself, fully enlightened, without fear, expectation, or attachment of your full potential? Would you be ready to experience the universe …

Daily Download

Being an enlightened and conscious being doesn’t mean that it’s all gentle loving. It’s not just about being the light. It’s both light and dark. So you gotta let your dark side out! Don’t hide anything! Don’t push it away, or it’ll come back with a vengeance! Embrace the darkness within you. What are your …

The Universe is a Schizophrenic Mind

Blunt Force Truth: The universe is schizophrenic. It consists, at the very basic machine language level, of programming code. That code is focused up into little packets of energy that are manifested as physical forces and matter, among other things. Even though everything is connected as one singularity and the program runs as a flow …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Your happiness comes from being in alignment with who you are and cannot be shaken by what others say or do. You were happy as a baby with nothing at all. No possessions. No concept of relationships. Just love. And you have the capacity now to love yourself in this way. To see …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Once you become aware, the past does not project itself into the future. So forgive the past. It doesn’t even exist. Yet everything in the past had to happen in order for you to be exactly where you are, right here right now. Release any and all judgment, with ease and grace, knowing …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: To stand FOR something, stand against nothing. First of all, you don’t have to be against something unwanted! That’s still attracting what’s unwanted, simply because your subconscious mind is still focused on it. The ‘for’ mindset also transcends “polarity,” which is nothing more than social conditioning that you have agreed to abide by. …

Daily Download

I love how some people like to think that the ones posting positive quotes are pretending their lives are perfect. No, everybody’s lives can go to shit every now and then. It’s not about pretending. It’s about shifting your mindset to see the gifts in every situation. Maybe to some it looks like positive bs. …

Moments in Eternity

Time is an interesting concept. The only thing that exists is this present moment, and it’s always moving forward into the next. Yet each and every brand new moment is tied to the one before it. Like today’s weather is affected by yesterday’s. This cause-and-effect nature of time is the basis for karma. Old energy …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You’re a product of your social programming. Until you begin to overcome it. Then you see through the bullshit. The lies. The manipulation. The abuse and the scandals. You see different people repeating the same patterns. And they will want you to believe because it’s easier for them to believe their own …

Daily Download

Anyone can have a fucked up past. The question then becomes, are you able to let go? Are you able to accept someone’s present situation without judgment clouding your vision? Part of everyone’s journey is learning lessons and letting go of their past. If someone is in this process, what good would it do to …