Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Your beliefs are what turns your experience into the creation of your reality. Your beliefs are filling in the dots and coloring in-between the lines on the magnificent canvas of art that you create. You get to make reality what you want. And that’s why beliefs are customizable. Programmable. Upgradable. You are literally …

Daily Download

What if God is your Uber driver tonight? What would you say? What would you ask? Where would you let God take you? What if you could see God in every person you come across? Would you treat them with a little more compassion? Would you fall even more in love with every beautiful soul? …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The more you think you know, the less you know, more or less. That’s because the gift of life is not knowing. You don’t have to know what’s going to happen, because if it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen whether you know or not. So just let that go if you always …

Daily Download

When it comes to learning about all the intricacies of how the universe works, we’re nailing it! Since writing my book, I’ve seen tons of supporting published research. A lot of studies talk about how the universe could be formed from inside a black hole. Or a white hole, the theoretical opposite, in which you …

Daily Download

You’re invited to say this with me. I create myself. You are always creating yourself to experience yourself. To perceive yourself. You know yourself through yourself. You create yourself to be yourself. You’re not a byproduct of your environment. Unless you choose to be. You’re not just like other people. Unless you try to act …

The Human OS

The way neuroscientists study how information is stored in the brain is very similar to how data is stored in magnetic platters of a hard disc. The bits of data are there, arranged in specific patterns. That’s our machine language. And how we perceive that data is completely different than how it’s stored. Operating systems …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Darkness can’t exist without light. Wait, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Well then, how would you ever know that something is dark if not for the light to provide contrast? Light isn’t to illuminate darkness–it’s simply to recognize it. Because even with all of the stars and galaxies …

Daily Download

“You’ll end up really disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you.” NO! Do things for people. Fuck what negative shit like this says, and stop blindly sharing negative social conditioning bullshit! Blunt Force Truth: The ONLY way you can be …

Daily Download

Prayer doesn’t have to be about asking for something. You already have everything you need within. And once you embody your own self-love wholly and completely, a shift happens. Now it becomes what you can give. How you can serve. And what you can embody within even more. You can pray for healing, and in …

Daily Download

History is in the making right now. We’re making peace with a country we’ve been at war with since 1953, and in doing so, creating better relations with other nations we’ve been hostile with recently. And people are complaining? My opinions of the leaders aside, I’m actually proud of what’s happening now. Opinions mean nothing. …

Daily Download

Wanna know how to experience universal love throughout the wholeness of your being every single brand new moment? Think about the cells in your body, each functioning perfectly as is, serving the life force of the whole. Think about how much each cell loves you, the supreme being that gives them life. It is this …

Daily Download

You can embody your highest potential when you stop seeing things externally. Because that’s when it wells up from within. You are infinite potential. You have the energy of the universe within you, just waiting to spring forth. And even if you once thought of angels and ascended master as separate from you, notice how …

Daily Download

Don’t get over it. Get through it. The time you need is exactly the perfect amount of time for you. You’re not overly sensitive. You feel things, a lot of things, and that’s a damn good thing! So don’t let someone who can’t feel tell you that you feel to much! Take the time you …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Every single grain of your existence comes from the same source. Every bit of your presence from all-knowingness through each connection within the whole. Whether you call it source, quantum entanglement, or spirit, you are connected to it all. The goal of this is to create a physical environment where life thrives. And …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Anything that is of a lesser vibration instantly dissolves in the presence of your highest expression of self. Any limitations. Any blocks. Even drama. This doesn’t mean you won’t experience those things. But if you do, you’re better prepared to deal with it when you have your full resources and power. You can …

Knowing This One Thing Can Change Your Life–For Good

Science tells us that the Big Bang is the beginning of the universe, right? The Big Bang is not really the beginning of the universe though. The universe is a singularity. Always has been, always will be. It is still there before the beginning, just in a different state. The Big Bang is the beginning …

Daily Download

When you catch yourself, either doing things right, or even when you miss the mark, try this. Say “I love that about myself, thank you.” The surface mind chatter can be self critical at times. This one phrase transmutes what you’re critical of to what you love about yourself. Instantly! And you can’t say critical …

Daily Download

Are you waiting for the time to be right to do something in your life right now? Or are you living in a state of continual awareness that the time is always perfect for you to keep moving further along your path. There’s a huge difference. Plus, waiting for something sucks. Ask why you wait? …

Daily Download

Caring for others is a sign of intelligence. And that’s sexy! The mind that looks out for others perceives the big picture and even all of the little nuances. It takes big thinking to actually give a shit. And it shows connectedness. Seeing a wider perspective guides you into all new points of view that …

Daily Download

Anything that triggers you, makes you mad, or just makes your path difficult–that’s your challenger. And here’s the thing. It’s there to improve your flow. Because you can go around obstacles. I know, right? How long you been trying to go through em? They’ve been showing you the way this whole time! Every trigger is …