Daily Download

Anticipate the unexpected. Live in peace amongst the chaos. Love the unknown. Life doesn’t exist to be in a comfort zone. Life is to be lived! Embrace that which scares the shit out of you. Transmute that fear to love. Love the lessons you’re experiencing. Love the ones from your past, knowing that they’ve served …

Daily Download

Confidence looks good on you. Wear it like it’s your crown. Because it is! Let it illuminate your crown as you emanate the highest frequencies. Picture your light from your sacrum extending all the way up to the top of your head, now extending upward to about a foot above your head. Let it shine …

Daily Download

The universe just loves to love! Now what’s not to love about that, right? This is an attraction-based universe after all. And you wouldn’t have created it any other way. So love all your parts as much as you love the whole. This creates flow. In and through all things, this infinite love flows, and …

Daily Download

If desire is the root of all suffering, what does this knowledge bring us? I have seen those on the path of purification who eliminate desire to end suffering. Well then dear ones, how would you get your lessons from it? And just what does this actually do? Pushing away from suffering still attracts it. …

Daily Download

Nothing in life is external, even when it appears that way. Everything–yes, everything–is an opportunity to transcend a specific karmic lesson. It could be big or small. It could be “good” or “bad.” It just depends on how you choose to perceive it. The karma is simply the lesson embedded within your consciousness. The purpose …

Daily Download

You’ve been told that you are the sperm that won the race, right? We take that to heart, knowing that we can emerge victorious in any situation in life. So why stop there? This is only the beginning! Your quest for knowledge can stop at this belief or become more powerful with even more truth. …

Daily Download

You can forgive others, not to let them of the hook, but to release your attachment. Then you close that loop by forgiving yourself for ever allowing your emotions to have been under someone else’s influence. That gives you freedom! Now notice how releasing expectations is similar. When you let go of any expectations, it …

Daily Download

Everything is nothing, and nothing is everything. You are the supreme you, yet you are not you at all. Neither the you who you think you are nor the you you think you’re not. Multiple levels of superconsciousness are within you. Available to you. Eternally. Yet time does not exist. The ultimate power or the …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: “Reality” is nothing more than a construct of thoughts. Reality isn’t what you perceive. Reality is just this: Everything is space conducting energy that vibrates in certain ways. You give it meaning. You give it an image. You give it all of its characteristics. You are doing nothing more than reading energy. …

Daily Download

It’s not about conquering demons. It never was. It’s not about fighting evil. It’s about raising your vibration so you’re not as affected by it. Darkness is present because of our deep-rooted beliefs in duality, the basis of the tree of knowledge. Shit’s gonna happen, but how you react is in your power. That’s why …

Daily Download

When you own your truth, nothing owns you. You set yourself free! So whatever it is that comes up for you, love that. Own it, even if it’s something you don’t want to hold onto. Especially if it’s something you don’t want to hold onto. Because this process is about letting go. You own up …

Daily Download

I’m writing this now as I’m constantly upgrading the broadcast, tomorrow this will be a completely new show… Just putting this out there: I have lifetime season tickets to one of the most amazing shows ever made. Its got music, it’s got dreams and drama, and it’s got lots fun rides and adventures! The best …

Daily Download

What is the goal of spirituality? Is it to be a spirit? What is the goal of self actualization? To be yourself? Nope. You don’t need to be spiritual–you already are spirit WITH physical form (the best of both worlds)! The goal of spirituality is simply to live, not to die and ascend. Ascension is …

The Void

There ain’t no air in space, but there’s an air and space museum. Sometimes all you need is a different perspective. You might think things are tangible, but they’re mostly space. You and I are mostly space. The space in you is the same as the space in me. It’s what connects us. It’s what …

Daily Download

I love it when I see spiritual mafuckas talking about how karma gonna get you. Lol they’re just projecting their judgments of their own map of reality, but doing it in the name of karma! How is this different from those of an extremist religious viewpoint that God will judge and punish? It’s not! You …

Why We Manifest

You’ve probably already heard more than a mouthful about how to manifest and what other people think you should be manifesting to make your life better (according to their terms). And the truth is, yes, you can manifest abundance of money, clients, and resources for your business. You can manifest love, soul mates, and twin …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Nobody ever wants to admit they don’t love themselves. But it becomes evident in how they treat themselves. How they speak of themselves. And how they see themselves. Because it is transparent in how they treat others. They will project their limited reality onto all others, trying to fit others into their …

Daily Download

Be lighthearted. It’s what happens when you release anything that’s ever held you down in the past. It happens when you listen to your emotions–even the pain and sadness. Who wants a heavy heart after all? Even longing, the true nature of divine love, feels heavy–at least until you rise above it. Using different perceptual …

Daily Download

There is a time in the beginning of an orchestra where everything is pure chaos. We call it tuning up. All of the various instruments sync up as they attune themselves. From chaos, an order appears. A song plays. A story unfolds in the notes. A wonderful progression of events as the symphony changes keys, …

Daily Download

Is there destiny or free will? If you don’t maintain control of yourself, someone else will. There’s your destiny. Until you wake up. You can take the reigns of your own life and own up to your responsibility of maintaining your self worth, your emotions, and your purpose. That is free will. And when you …