Daily Download

Things get better. Always. The question then becomes, how do you read this proclamation? Do you find yourself wishing this to be true? Is it coming from a place of lack and limitation? Because you ARE manifesting, so when you’re manifesting from a place of lack, you’re going to manifest even more of what you’re …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: There is no reason to hate, only reasons to love. Hate, or other lower vibrations like judgment, revenge, justice, or righteousness, all stem from one thing–the illusion of separation. It is viewed as separation from one another. Our differences create walls within a hateful mind, whereas a loving heart sees reasons to …

Daily Download

The reward for living a great life IS living a great life! It’s up to you what to make of things. Every lesson that’s part of your plan. Every learning. Every single brand new moment knowing that the universe is working for you to match the energy you radiate! Life is a celebration of life. …

The Miracle Mindset

You can rewire your brain by seeing miracles every day. And the bonus is you get to see miracles every day! It’s really just a matter of fine-tuning your perception. When you experience more miracles happening, you’re aligning yourself with even more possibilities from unlimited opportunities. That makes you attract like a powerful magnet! Because …

Daily Download

Think intelligence is sexy? Just wait until you experience someone with emotional intelligence too! Think being loving is a good quality? You can surround yourself with conscious beings. Because conscious is another level of intuitive intelligence. A conscious wo/man is the level up of ‘nice guy syndrome.’ This is intuitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and unconditional …

Daily Download

There is an ocean of infinite knowledge, and we’re all just skimming along its surface. It’s right here! It’s all available! The mind wants to connect on so many levels though, doesn’t it? Connect to spirit. Connect with angels, archangels. Connect with nature too. There are so many higher levels of consciousness available. But this …

Daily Download

You might think the weird world of quantum physics is strange and unpredictable. It’s actually intuitive. Just like you. Your subconscious mind understands and even uses the statistical principles of the quantum world to piece together what the surface mind perceives as reality. In other words, the mind filters infinite possibilities to create your life …

No Boundary

Life has no boundary. You are capable of anything you can envision. Your perception has no boundary. Everything is fully upgradable. Knowledge has no boundary. Every single brand new moment you expand your field of view, bringing in even more of the universe’s infinite possibilities. You learn as the universe learns. You grow as the …

Daily Download

When you would do anything for someone, notice how you can always remember that most likely, what they really want from you is just for you to be you. So be yourself. Express yourself! And love yourself so much so that you are a powerful magnet attracting and manifesting your life. Then share it. That’s …

The Paradox Explained

The universe is full of windows into the unknown. We call them back holes. They form the centers of our galaxies. And dark matter is intermixed amongst the stars, even forming halos around entire galaxies. Science is facing challenges to explain these. Neither is observable–only their effects on their surroundings. Every lesson we learn through …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You don’t need anybody to make you happy. It’s already built-in. You have everything you need for your own happiness. And all of that is available to you all the time. Happiness is your default state. Think about how you played as a baby. You didn’t need anything or anyone–that happiness was …

Daily Download

Starve the ego and feed the soul? Tell me then dear ones, how is the soul going to accept and receive the nutrients s/he needs to thrive when an integral part of yourself is not able to? Your soul will starve if any part of you is starving. And s/he needs the ego. It’s your …

Daily Download

The intuition is always right. Just trust it. I know, I’ve second guessed myself in the past, only to find out the gut was right all along. It’s your compass. Your guiding light. With practice, intuition becomes even clearer, as you are able to sift through lower vibrational thoughts and visions. You might get signs …

Daily Download

You are a powerful force to be reckoned with. All of the creative powers of the entire cosmos flow through and within you. You create your reality exactly the way you design it to be, all from your higher levels of consciousness. You’re so powerful, you don’t even have to think about it. Your creative …

Daily Download

This is for the mothers, the sisters, the wives, the daughters, the mompreneurs, the inspirational leaders, the scholars, the yoginis and athletes. The Goddesses. For all of the women who’ve inspired my life. For creating my life. For helping to make my life better. For being there in my time of need. For supporting me, …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Your greatest weakness is also your greatest strength. You just gotta let it be. Love yourself through it. Love everything about yourself including what you perceive to be weakness. And ask, was what you think of this trait affected by how others thought of you in the past? Because there’s someone out …

Daily Download

Universal love is a personal discovery. Once you get it, you get it. And you get it for good. It’s one thing to read about it. It’s another to feel it–to experience it in every bit of your presence and every cell of your being! Universal love is always present in everything. That’s because it’s …

Daily Download

In this human experience, we sometimes have the tendency to see things as good or bad. We sometimes add our judgment to color our perceptions. And there’s so much more to the picture! It’s just a simple shift of perceptual position. Any shadow–anything you might perceive as a negative–is cast by something that blocks light, …

Daily Download

In this human experience, we sometimes have the tendency to see things as good or bad. We sometimes as our judgment to color our perceptions. And there’s so much more to the picture! It’s just a simple shift of perceptual position. Any shadow–anything you might perceive as a negative–is cast by something that blocks light, …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Awareness is part of the illusion. A big part of it! The universe works on a subtle level of consciousness. Every bit of your presence is universal love projected unto you. Your subconscious mind processes infinite information, allowing your conscious mind to perceive exactly what’s perfect for your understanding at the time. …