Daily Download

What if it’s not about avoiding the dark side anymore? Not about pushing away from what you’re afraid of? What if instead, it’s about embracing the whole of who you are at your essence and lighting up the whole damn thing! Because your light is always strong enough to light up the darkness. That’s how …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: What you think is real and what you think is not real will change. The reality you perceive through your own eyes may seem real. At first. There’s more to it than what you’ve been told. All you have to do is to step out of the same frames of reference and …

Daily Download

As the new year approaches, you’re going to hear a lot of positivity about how it will be the best year yet. There will be talk of the upcoming shift for our ascension. Don’t fall for it. Don’t put off what is available to you right fucking now! Where else in life do you see …

Daily Download

Nirvana is a state available to all of us in the now. It’s part of your journey and that means it’s available to you anytime. It’s not something you must attain. Just be. Be yourself authentically. Be love. Be who you desire. Want to be done with your past lessons? Then love them to level …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: To be fully present in the moment, embody that which you are becoming. Because you do it fully in the now. Everything happens in the present moment. Your heart beats in the present. You breathe in the moment. Your consciousness opens each and every brand new moment more and more, as you …

Daily Download

Say Yeshua to things. Start by saying yes to the things that set your heart aflame with desire. Trust your gut as you let this reality pull you in. Tune into your soul, and if it feels good, do it! Now tap into the infinite love that you are, envisioning this love emanating as you …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to her. There is no place on Earth that one people can claim as their own. Because we are one people, and we belong to her. It is in our nature to travel the world and experience all of her beauty. To love …

4 Discoveries of 2017 that Support The Omniverse

Well, 2017 was pretty fucked up in a lot of ways. But if you only focus on what’s bad, you might wanna rethink that because you attract what your subconscious mind is focused on. A lot of people have been crushing it, advancing themselves and their learnings despite the chaos. And each of us experienced …

Daily Download

We are all in a process of becoming ourselves. In doing so we shed the layers that we had put on in the past–from our blocks, limiting beliefs, and social conditioning–to get to the core of our essence. That’s the real you. So really, you’re not changing yourself by working on yourself. You’re showing up …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Whatever you’re against, you’re attracting. If you resist change, change is what you’ll get. And really, everything is changing. That’s the only constant in the universe–everything changes. That’s because time keeps moving forward. You can’t ever go back to the way things once were because they never will be. You can’t hold …

Street-Smart Spirituality

It’s not about finding easy answers. It’s not about positivity. It’s not about studying spiritual or religious concepts. But it can be any of those things. Or not. It IS much more. It’s about applying critical-thinking and real science to look at unanswered questions in new ways. New perceptual positions. Finding new solutions of looking …

Daily Download

As your consciousness expands, so does your awareness. How you see things changes. You navigate different perceptual positions allowing you to see that it’s not shit happening to you–shit happens for you. View yourself from above to see the lessons. To forgive others and yourself. With your expanded awareness, notice even more of the beauty …

Daily Download

Be with the one who brings out the best in you, not just the mess in you. You deserve it. And when you have it, you know it. Because there are those of us who, even if our words or actions trigger something in you, become consciously aware enough to recognize how we made you …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Karma’s not going to get you. And certainly not anyone else if that’s what you’re wishing on them. Please don’t–you’re hurting yourself by attracting what you’re focusing on. You’re attaching yourself to an expected outcome. Even worse, you’re judging someone. You have your own lesson plan that your soul creates just for …

Daily Download

I am falling in love with this world. All of her best and all of her worst. All of her beauty and all of her pain. I am in love with everything and everyone. Every atrocity is a chance to be a blessing. Every lesson is for our growth and evolution. You could argue that …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you are giving into fears or paranoia, what’s happening is that your giving them your power. This is what happens when people do that. Since they’ve given their power to the fears, they’re giving their energy away. The subconscious mind always wants to find what’s been lost. So they try to …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You don’t have to justify your feelings. Ever. Your feelings are coming up for your transgression of lessons. Your transmutation of lead into gold. And no matter what happened, who said or did what, you are allowed to express yourself emotionally. If another person doesn’t get it, let them off the hook, …

What Does the Illusion Mean?

What will you do when you get to Heaven? And where will you go from there? Right now you’re invited to look at those who excel at pushing themselves to the limits, beyond what ordinary people can do. There’s something they all have in common. They are continually striving to take themselves further. Even the …

Daily download

Let your soul speak. This is how you set yourself free and liberate your soul. Just let it come out. Let it BE you. Let it love you and everything you do. Let that love spread to all as you realize nothing less than the absolute fullest potential of your life on purpose. Expressing your …