The Meaning of Life Decoded

What if everything was present and all of the conditions were absolutely perfect for life to form naturally? It’s been the Holy Grail of science. And it’s real. The process by which life starts–that initial spark of life–has been found finally. And it was here all along. What other great wonders are ready for discovery …

Daily Download

We all have archetypes of higher consciousness. You can observe them as spirit guides and angel guides. They work with your higher self to guide you on your life purpose, protect you, and love you. Sometimes they love you so much so that they enter the world of the living just to be with you, …

Awakening Lilith

Adam and Eve weren’t the first people. The biblical story started with Adam and Lilith. She was wild and free, and he couldn’t handle her. So Eve was created to be subservient to men based on men’s misunderstanding of empowered women, aka warrior goddesses. Instead of empowering themselves by unconditionally loving women, men have been …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: people give love in the highest way they know how to at the time. That can be very good. It can also be perceived as bad. It can be the highest intent of their actions or language that aren’t in alignment with their higher self (or in agreement with yours). And that invites …

Be Available

Two of the most powerful words in the language you use are be available. When you’re available, you blow away your preceptive barriers and open up to the infinite possibilities that are ever-present right here and now! Being available invites opportunity. What more are you calling forth into existence each and every brand new moment? …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Limiting beliefs love company. That’s why sometimes, people might try to share theirs with you. It’s not their fault–it’s unconscious behavior. They’re just playing out the desires of their limiting beliefs. In doing so, those people are showing you how they’ve contextualized their reality around their beliefs. So you don’t have to …

The Science of the Law of Attraction

Ever read these profoundities about how you can change yourself to change what you attract? Does it sound too good to be true? Well this might just be illuminating your limiting beliefs. And through deductive reasoning, your subconscious mind looks for information to support your limiting belief, contextualizing your self-fulfilling reality. In other words, you …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You can manifest anything your heart desires… as long as you’re not attached to outcome. So how do you release attachment to outcome while still manifesting? It’s because you already have that which you’re manifesting. It’s ever-present in a field of plentitude that’s always surrounding you. In this time of infinite time, …

Daily Download

Things like time travel and faster-than-light speed are possible. We’ve designed these bodies of ours to do a lot of things. However, some present great challenges because they may defy the laws of physics. These limitations that we call laws are actually agreements. On a very high level of consciousness, we in the physical reality …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything evolves. You are constantly changing. In relationships, you can align your direction of change together to be with each other as you grow. You can see the change in yourself for another, and that’s great. You can also see the change within yourself, and that’s even better. Because that’s an expression of …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Want to be a conscious man? The sacred masculine embodies the wild feminine. He sees not separation, rather a merger of the masculine and feminine qualities. Being a real man ain’t got nothing to do with that man card you’ve been holding onto. No, it’s going to require you to go into …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Opposites don’t attract. But you’ve been led to believe they do, right? It sure seems that way. One person likes one thing and another doesn’t, and they have a great relationship anyway. What’s happening? If you’re both liking and disliking the same thing, both of your minds are focused on the same …

Daily Download

Today is a new chance to take responsibility for each of our own lives. A chance to stand fully within your power in a state of knowing that you can and will act with the intent for your highest and best good. Greater responsibility brings greater happiness. But many avoid it, as if it’s something …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The universe needs your presence. Without you it would have no meaning. Without life it would have no purpose. And the reason the universe supports life is just a natural process. A process designed by you, because you create your reality based on your perception. You crystallize your reality with your observation. The …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everybody is reflecting something back to you for you to heal yourself. Pay attention to the signs. Take notice of the results you’ve gotten in life in the past up until now. What was reflected back to you by others so perfectly that you can illuminate and transmute to permanently change that which …

Daily Download

Gravity’s a funny thing. We know it works because we stay grounded. But we don’t know exactly how it works. Lisa Randall has a robust theory using open loop strings and closed loops. Extra gravity leaks into higher dimensions, giving our 3 dimensions the perfect amount of gravity. This unifies gravity with other forces, all …

Daily Download

Dear ones, if you are concerned about a door closing for you, then perhaps you should question this. If you hadn’t constructed walls within your psyche, would there even be a need for there to be a door? Maybe, just maybe, the reason doors have closed is so you can take down your walls, block …

Alien Takeover

It’s not aliens taking over that people should fear. AI is taking over. Artificial intelligence is born right here on Earth. And we’re the aliens. The universe has reasons… Biological life got started a lot longer ago than once thought. Over 4 billion years ago. Most of it was nearly eliminated early on during the …

Daily Download

You know what’s scary? When people imprison themselves in their own mental construct of what they filter from reality, which becomes their own cage. When people are haunted by the demons of their own past, reliving it in their minds as they remain trapped in their bondage, torturing themselves instead of forgiving themselves to move …