Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What somebody says or even thinks about you has nothing to do with you. It’s really about the mental image they created of you. Their wants and expectations. Their desires. And their own inadequacies, fears, and other emotions. These become their projections onto you. What someone says about you is more about …

Daily Download

What good is pain if you hide it? We all have it, and we all learn from it (when you allow yourself). And we’re all in a process of unmasking ourselves, removing the face that overlies the pain. We are unearthing ourselves to find the truth of our very essence. So you see dear ones, …

Daily Download

What if this all really just a simulation? Could it be that programming code takes on physical form with forces and matter, evolving into complex life seemingly by accident? Biology can be broken down to code. Chemistry can be broken down to code. Physics does too. Your subconscious operates by code. Reality is the graphical …

Daily Download

The first thing I tell people when they learn to play a drum is not what you might think. You strike it and get a sound right? Nope. Actually, you’re not playing the drum. You’re playing the vibrations. If you strike it, you cancel out certain vibrations. But when you pull the sound out, you …

Downloaded Message about Recent Shootings

When tragedy strikes, be present to those in need. When you bring up the gun control argument–from either side–you’re taking attention away from the lost souls that died. When you bring race or privilege to the argument, you’re taking away from the victims. If you’re propagating conspiracy theories, you’re devaluing the truth. When you label …


You created your timeline and contextualized your reality from a perceptual position of the soul. Science can’t explain it yet, but we’re catching up. All we have to do is remember. All of the answers are known on some level on your timeline and even your karma (that’s also like time–it’s simply a forward-moving transmutation …

Daily Download

Before lightning strikes, the air is filled with positive ions all charged at the same time, until the energy in the sky builds up then finds the path of least resistance. And then bam, the lightning strike happens! Time is like lightning. You have infinite possibilities of life available to you all the time–that’s your …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The term ‘make love’ sounds beautiful, but why would one have to ‘make’ love when it’s already ever-present everywhere? It’s the underlying force of the universe after all. We’re just tapping into it for a limited time to see the universe’s true beauty through ourselves. And the realest part of making love …

Daily Download

You can be the light anywhere you go. You’ll automatically light up the dark places, illuminating through every bit of it. And you’ll continue illuminating the places already filled with light. Because light never competes with light! It simply adds to it. The more lights you put in a room are just gonna keep making …

Daily Download

Just at the moment when you think things are falling apart, that’s where life begins. Stars live through their process of creation of the very building blocks of Earth and humanity. But life wouldn’t have happened without a star falling apart, because that’s how the ingredients that make you you became available. So that was …

There’s an Ocean of Knowledge in this Little Blue Dot

This is for the “not” racists as well as those against racism. For the supremacists and the anti-fascists. For the violent and those fighting violence. For those in control and those resisting. For those participating in the destruction of the planet for profit and those against it. For those who uphold their science or their …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The textbook definition of life is wrong. Biological life is the evolution of chemicals which are the evolution of stars which are the evolution of physical laws and quantum physics. Life starts way before that. Life is chaos, given the illusion of order, so order can then discover that it is chaos. …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: That moment when you realize that some sort of limiting belief has been behind the results you’ve gotten in the past up until now, only to realize that there never was a limiting belief in the first place–only the perception of limiting yourself in some way to fit a particular map of …

If Only You Could See From The Other Side

It ain’t easy to unplug from the matrix. Unless it is. Fact is, we’ve given you guidance in many forms. Saints and scholars, ascended masters, angels and archangels. Countless enlightened beings. The infinite nature of the universe brings every single possibility of life to you every single brand new moment. The problem is that people …

Daily Download

Let go of clutter in life–not because of the space occupied, but for the attachments you’ve grown to them. There’s memories. There’s meaning. All of which you gave something. In this light of awareness, does getting rid of anything serve you? Everything presents itself to you for your learning. You can get rid of stuff …

The Master Key

What if I told you that we’ve all locked ourselves away from one another, only letting ourselves out using certain costumes to show up for different people and places? It’s the mask. It’s the veil of illusion we ourselves use to color what we want reality to be. It’s not a conscious decision. And it …

Daily Download

You don’t have to do anything to move towards your future. You simply align yourself with the possibilities for the highest and best good of your evolution, and that future pulls you in. It’s simply matching your vibration to the infinite possibilities available to you at any given moment. So in this new light of …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You are a messenger of divine love. Because your thoughts, words, and actions are a reflection of your underlying values and show you how aligned you are with the very core of who you are. The universe is working through you. As Michael Beckwith says it, “That which is infinite wishes to express …

Daily Download

Stop telling yourself you can’t find love because you’re an old soul. Because old souls know, even in times of difficulty, even with struggle, your beliefs can be changed for good to receive the natural flow the universe is giving you every single brand new moment. In your natural flow state you can clearly see …

Daily Download

You have the power within you every single brand new moment to choose. You can choose safety over fear. You can choose joy over anger. You can choose freedom of mind over paranoia. You can choose love over all else. You don’t have to fall for other people’s limiting beliefs or fears. You can be …