Daily Download

The universes are on your side. The universes favor life. Sound crazy? It’s not… Our universe has one mystery scientists have been trying to solve. It’s called antimatter asymmetry. What it means is that there is an abundance of matter (so matter and antimatter don’t cancel each other out). Yes, abundance! That means chances are …

Daily Download

When you open up with awareness of the consciousness of all things (CAT), everything becomes your teacher. Just as life force flows within all beings, consciousness is the flow of this underlying universal force. And what is this force? All things attract, and in the living, we call that love. That love is the underlying …

Daily Download

It took an entire universe billions of years just to make this moment possible. Out of infinite possibilities, the present moment is where it all becomes real. So even if circumstances don’t seem perfect, just remember that everything that’s ever happened has led you to right now. Considering all that, it really feels like being …

Daily Download

When I decided to incarnate as a vessel of consciousness in physical form, the universe said to me, you must be out of your mind! That’s because in order to create a focal point of consciousness into being, I first had to create the illusion of separation from the divine mind of all that is. …

Daily Download

Growing up as a human, you’ve probably been conditioned with the concept of ‘mutually assured destruction,’ when the superpowers of the world threaten to destroy each other as a means to find peace. But what if there’s a better way to create peace? Nobody talks about mutually assured creation. Does this one fact, that each …

Daily Download

Everything is infinite because it’s connected. Every moment is infinite. Every single grain of existence is but a singularity of the entirety. Because the universe is a singularity. One singularity. With everything connected. Creation is the infinite expression of the singularity, and that becomes expressed throughout the whole. When the Big Bang rapidly expanded, the …

Daily Download

Omniversal Truth: Even if there’s just one single possibility… One possible outcome of anything It’s still infinite possibilities. Because of the very nature of the fabric of the universe… It’s the illusion of separation from itself that creates infinite expressions of itself. Infinite numbers of particles that make up, well – everything! So if there’s …

Daily Download

There has been a fascination with time travel since the beginning of time. Humans think that something in the past could change if we could travel back in time… But time and space are intertwined dear ones. Even if you could go back, the earth is no longer there. The past was in a different …

Daily Download

What is the fascination with time travel? Humans think that something in the past could change if we could travel back in time… But time and space are intertwined dear ones. Even if you could go back, the earth is no longer there. The past was in a different part of the galaxy. And the …

Daily Download

What does ascension mean to you? Is it something that can be explained scientifically? Humans may find out sooner than we think… A new field of study was just opened to study near death experiences in the brain. Advances in brain imaging have shown us how the brain becomes aware of death and shuts itself …

Daily Download

Time isn’t like what we’re taught. There is not a sequence from moment to moment. That’s only perception. And it’s based on your underlying beliefs about time — your hidden code. Truth is, each moment lasts forever. Haven’t you ever felt that way when your in the arms of the one you love? It’s like …

Daily Download

You know why they call them ‘thought bubbles?’ Because that’s how thoughts occur. The mind can focus on making bubbles, and in doing so, create space. From nothing. Simply by focusing on the intent to create. What you focus on expands. As with bubbles. So what is it you want to expand upon right now? …

Daily Download

Time’s not the only dimension of time. Karma is another one-way dimension. The funny thing is, time is only really needed to measure one’s progress on the wheels of karma. Each is cyclical, and each is progressive, starting on one end and finishing on another. When you think time repeats itself, that’s because lessons in …

Daily Download

You are energy materialized (that’s why they call it matter). Energy is ever-present. And space, although seemingly empty, contains and conducts infinite energy. Wherever there is space, energy can conduct. Matter can materialize. Everything you desire to manifest right here and now is already present in this field of materializing energy. You don’t have to …

Daily Download

Omniversal Truth: There’s more good in the universe than anything else. Because everything contributes to creation… ✨Creation of matter ✨Creation of stars ✨Creation of life’s building block molecules All of the known forces of the universe are working in concert right now to make your life possible. And you give it meaning. So why is …

Daily Download

A scientific theory is based on solid evidence and backed by observation. But when the observation doesn’t match, science adjusts to reflect the actuals. That just happened. A new discovery found that a very important subatomic particle’s mass had been grossly underestimated up until now. So now, the theory adapts with new evidence. Here’s the …

Daily Download

When you see yourself in the mirror, and the mirror shakes, do you? Or is it just your reflection? What if you look at life through this lens? Like looking at yourself in the mirror, maybe your world is getting shaken up, but as long as you’re the observer you remain unshakable. 👁️You do not …

Daily Download

Here’s a new idea. We say that as we enter into this existence, we create contracts. We agree upon certain interactions with other living beings before birth, and how that plays out in life can be beautiful and tragic. That’s not the new idea, just something we all do through our current understanding of living. …

Daily Download

For every action there’s an equal but opposite reaction, right? That’s what alchemy taught us. And the laws of physics. There’s just one problem… In a simple cause-and-effect case, it’d be right. At least according to the eye of the observer. But what’s really happening? For every action, there is an infinite number of possibilities …

Daily Download

You may have heard rumors. That this is the ‘one true reality.’ That ‘things don’t change.’ That someone’s master plan is your ‘destiny.’ We’ve all been exposed to at least one of these… Got any to throw in the mix? Let’s set the record clear. ✨For every possibility right now, there is a reality present …