7 Top Reasons People Seek Angels

Angels are all around you. You might know it, unless you don’t. Explaining their existence might take a while, but they’re really like your thoughts—the nonphysical component of you. You have identity engrained in your thoughts and even self-awareness. You are a conscious being. The biggest difference is that you have a body. And your …

Daily Download

You are the most significant thing in the universe. You may think you’re infinitesimally small compared to celestial objects, but the universe is expressed in its entirety through every single subatomic component within you. You may have been told that your consciousness is your self awareness or identity, but it is your channel to the …

Daily Download

It all comes down to this. Every single point in the entire universe IS the entire universe. It’s like a holographic projection. The entire image is contained within each and every pixel of a hologram. So the entire universe is projected from all of its parts. And YOU are right at the center because you …

Daily Download

Be present to what’s now while focused on what’s next. Have purpose with direction. This is how you bring the specific future you desire into the present moment. You have the power to manifest and create your own timeline. The power to create new universes of possibilities. You have the power within you to create …

Daily Download

Whatever you believe to be a possibility is already a reality in some form right now. What are you calling forth into this brand new moment? At any time you can open a portal to ANY universe bringing forth the specific reality you desire! And yes, you can live in a universe full of magick, …

How to Transcend Empathy

Are you empathic? Do you feel people’s vibes? Have you ever walked into a room and just felt a heavy feeling? What if you could turn that around so as you enter, you become the person that lifts the vibration with ease and grace? Wouldn’t you benefit right away from having tools that can do …

Daily Download

Celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small. Every victory. Even the ones you helped someone else win. Every milestone. Give yourself gratitude for taking you through it all and reaching each and every step along the way. This is your path. Only you can take this journey. So would it make sense to …

Exclusive Invitation to Talk to an Angel with Hay House Author Gerry Gavin

​WHAT WOULD YOU ASK AN ANGEL IF YOU HAD THE CHANCE? Often when speaking on the Hay House radio program, or when discussing the new book, If You Could Talk to an Angel, Gerry inquires what people would ask if they had the chance to sit down in their living rooms and talk to an …

What is a Soul for? 

I saw a picture today from almost two years ago when my path changed. I attended a retreat to improve communication skills thinking it was training for speaking about my recently published book, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse. I got much more than that! So much so that my life was completely redirected. And …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You cannot be against hate. If you are, you’re simply feeding negativity with more negativity. The subconscious doesn’t understand being against something. It’s focused on what you’re focused on. Do you really want that to be hate? What other more positive and empowering ways can you allow your subconscious to be focused …

Daily Download

With time, memories fade away. And that’s ok. Because this is telling you something even more profound about the nature of who you really are! You come to this existence for a short time to experience life (or a long time-it’s how you choose). This tells us that what you perceive as reality is not …

Daily Download

It’s the little things that matter. Hold the ones you love, without holding onto them. Settle down with someone, but settle for no one. Tell your story without being held to your story. Notice how ever-so-slight changes in how you think about things can make changes in the subconscious that facilitate healing in every single …

Daily Download

Fall in love with life. Love your failures for what you’ve learned in the past that helped you grow. Celebrate your successes as you continue to grow in new empowering ways. Fall in love with the beauty of nature in her awesome glory and power. See the world through these eyes and you’ll never be …

Daily Download

Repeat after me: Dear universe, I am ready. I am ready to give love and gratitude. I am ready to serve humanity, the evolution of life, and planet Earth. I am ready to allow even more flow of consciousness in, around, and through me. I am ready to embrace my unique talents in ways that …

Daily Download

You can find love everywhere you go. Because YOU bring it! Be in love with yourself and watch how it magically changes your reflection in this beautiful universe. Because the universe is expressed wholly within every grain of your existence. So loving yourself is loving the universe exponentially, and the light you emit all comes …

Daily Download

Your body is an embodiment. The question is, of what? Your cells respond to the energies around you as you evolve throughout your life. Your experiences are coded and passed down to the next generation. This is why it is so important to cast your own shackles and live a life of love. And every …

The Spark of Life

The spark of life is still one of the greatest mysteries of science. The building blocks are all there, forming from a primordial goo on an early Earth. We’ve figured out how cellular life started, but the mystery of the first spark of life still remains.  One-celled organisms may have started in a hot soup …

The Science of Angel Messages

Science is based on observation. So wouldn’t it benefit you by being able to expand your own ability to perceive, observe, and tap into the essence of who you are? There’s definitely a science to doing just that… Perception is a funny thing.  Nobody’s perception is the same. You can be observing the same thing, …

Daily Download

I’ve been through Hell, yet these have been the best years of my life. Regardless of what has happened in the past, remain focused on your path as you create a better now. And there’s always reason to smile! Yes, always. Do that.  =D

Daily Download

When you do what’s right for your-when you forgive yourself, truly appreciate yourself, and love every bit of who you are even more, the universe always has your back. Always. It’s because you are the universe, expressed wholly within every grain of your existence–every subatomic particle–every bit of information–every cell of your being.  =D