Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: We tend to think of space as not a thing. But it is. It’s literally the conductor of all energy in the universe. So we tend to think of space as vast. But it isn’t. Yes, we perceive distance in-between objects. But that’s only your perception. That space is just part of …

Daily Download

Wanna know a secret of how the mind works? You can take your perception of a 3/4/5D+ world and project it down to a 2D surface just like we do with maps. The mind understands right away that it’s looking at a representation of reality, not reality itself. It’s automatic! And then, like the navigator …

Daily Download

It all has come to this one Omniversal Truth: We are the last of the humans on Earth. And no, this isn’t a future-channeling. This is now. We are the descendants of ancient ancestors who walked the Earth. In their time, there were many other human species on the planet all at the same time. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Whatever you give your power to, you give permission to… When you react to someone or something, you give your power to that which you are focused on. In that moment, the energy you give to someone or something, that is what you are coding in your mind to perceive more of. …

Daily Download

Don’t let people that still argue if the Earth is flat or round tell you that time is linear. The thing is, people aren’t telling you how the world really is, they’re communicating something much deeper… How they perceive their world. If you choose to agree to their limitations, that’s on you. And if you …

Daily Download

This is an invitation… To own it. Whatever it is that’s coming up for you, own that shit. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s good or bad, just whatever it is. Because it’s perfect for what it is at that time. Owning it will replace judging it anyway. Start practicing now. Own every compliment you …

Daily Download

Omniversal truth: You’re never in the same place twice. The Earth isn’t just rotating, and it’s not revolving around a fixed Sun. Even our Sun is moving. Our entire solar system is moving around a finger of the Milky Way galaxy and rotating around its core. And the galaxy isn’t fixed either! We’re constantly moving …

Daily Download

Calling all time travelers and shape shifters. We are here right now in a huge convergence of parallel universes, all coming together right here and now, and this shit is lit! Is it the beginning of the end? Or the end of old cycles and brand new beginnings? Whatever it is, it’s perfect at this …

Daily Download

There’s always more to be thankful for. Omniversal Law. I love how science reflects deep hidden knowledge back to us. Knowledge that’s also been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Yea, you read that right. Our ancestors are more ancient than you might think… Two huge discoveries just happened this year. And I’m …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: In any given moment, you are given the choice between love and anything lesser. That’s why it’s called any given moment. You are allowed to choose what’s best for you in that moment. And you don’t have to ask permission… Because it is within you. Your choice determines whether you react or how …

Daily Download

How you perceive things tells your brain how to put together your reality. That’s why some see the world in 2D while others see it in 3D. Or 4D. Or 5D. However you perceive your world is perfect for where you are at the time. But what about what you can’t see? Like curvature of …

Daily Download

Breath is a gift. It can release emotional charges. It can lower blood pressure and relieve pain. It even promotes the body’s own production of DMT. It does all this either with or without your awareness. It’ll work automatically most of the time, and when you become consciously aware, you can direct the breath. Try …

Daily Download

Nothing you remember is as it was. And nothing you see is as it seems. Wanna know the deepest secrets of consciousness? Your brain is a technological wonder! One that stores memories holographically across all of its cells in 11D. Whoever said you only use 10%, that’s a lie. Each and every one of your …

Daily Download

You can unlearn, but you can’t unknow. So know this now: Your brain can be hacked. No technology required. The tools to do it are already built-in. Your brain is more technologically advanced than anything else we’ve made, after all. It’s got more power than what’s in your cell phone. And that’s more computing power …

Daily Download

The Schrodinger’s Box classical paradox was just the beginning… Until opened, both a living and a deceased cat exist at the same time, only emerging as one at the time of observation. The human mind puts a person’s entire knowledge of self into a box. It’s a frame of reference created by the subconscious mind …

Daily Download

Reality is what you make of it. You can color your reality with all of your perceptions, seeing your own beautiful reflection in the cosmic mirror. You can choose what you wish to see, hear, and feel through the magical wonders of your own subconscious mind — or you can blind yourself until you’re ready …

Daily Download

The more I think about it, the more there is to be thankful for in life. I was still in the womb when humans first made it to the moon and back. And that’s just the beginning! I’ve witnessed miracles. I’ve seen the bermuda triangle myth solved. I’ve witnessed the mystery of the pyramids uncovered. …

Daily Download

You might think of a mob mentality as a collective consciousness. Humans act together and in doing so become controllable. Jung described this as a lower level of consciousness. Awareness is all that it takes to change that pattern… To be able to see yourself from a different vantage point allows you to access the …

Daily Download

Positivity is contagious. I AM so grateful to be in the presence of so many other enlightened souls helping to spread positivity and helping people heal their traumas and pain. And just like social media’s algorithms show you more of what you like, your subconscious mind is already doing that for you. Your attention becomes …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: There are many realities at play. Not just your past, present, and future. Your parallel lives. Parallel worlds. Alternate realities. There are many outcomes. That’s why we say don’t become attached to the outcome. Because that tethers you to the specific reality matching the vibrations of your subconscious thought patterns. There are …